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Posts Tagged ‘freedom’

Doctor & patients sue White House over free speech violations

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 11:01AM
The Source

Doctor & patient groups say White House intended to shut up opponents

Washington DC — The Office of the President and other White House officials are defendants in a free speech lawsuit filed by a prominent physician group, and a non-profit advocate for inner-city poor.

The White House has “unlawfully collected information on political speech,” thereby illegally using the power of the White House to chill opposition to its plans for health care reform, according to the complaint filed in District Court for the District of Columbia, by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and the Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)

The lawsuit was prompted by the White House solicitation for the public to report any “fishy” comments to ‘flag@whitehouse.gov.’ Although the White House slightly revised its data collection procedure last week, the email address still exists, the illegal activity continues, and is part of an “unlawful pattern and practice to collect and maintain information” on the exercise of free speech, which “continues in violation of the Privacy Act and First Amendment even if the Defendants terminate a particular information-collection component due to negative publicity.”

The lawsuit outlines how the White House has employed a form of “bait-and-switch” tactic of accusing the Plaintiffs and other opponents of spreading misinformation about the Administration’s goals for health care reform, and thereby refusing to ‘come clean’ about its real agenda.

The lawsuit outlines that the White House knew that the data collection would chill free speech, and in fact, intended to do just that:

“43. As part of their effort to advance the White House healthcare reform agenda, Defendants have accused opponents (including Plaintiffs) of spreading misinformation on issues such as whether (a) health reform would provide public funding for abortions, (b) put “death panels” in place to deny care to the elderly or infirm, (c) amount to a government takeover of healthcare, and (d) increase healthcare costs..the Defendants and the administration have spread misinformation, semantics, and disinformation on these topics…..

“45. By denying and continuing to deny that healthcare reform legislation includes “death panels” that make individual life-or-death decisions on the elderly or infirm, the Defendants and the current administration have ignored and implicitly denied and continue to ignore and implicitly to deny both that their healthcare reform agenda involves rationing healthcare…”

“My hate mail started shortly after the White House issued the ‘fishy’ request,” said Kathryn Serkes, Director of Policy and Public Affairs for AAPS. “We were quite visible and vocal before then, so it doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Who did they share their data with? With whom might they share it?”

AAPS and CURE demand that the White House remove all information already collected, and further, be prohibited from collecting any personal data in the future.

NOTE: AAPS is a non-partisan professional association of physicians dedicated since 1943 to protection of the patient-physician relationship. CURE, founded by Star Parker, serves poor and inner-city communities through church, individual, and market-based solutions to poverty.

The case number is Civil Action No. 09-1621-EGS.

This will never happen in America

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

11 reasons why the elections in 2010 will be the most important in the history of the United States of America.

What would you say if I gave you 11 reasons why the elections in 2010 will be the most important in the history of the United States?

1. What if I had told you in October 2008, before the last presidential election, that before Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, the federal government would be in control of both the mortgage and the banking industries? That 19 of America’s largest banks would be forced to undergo stress tests by the federal government which would determine if they were insufficiently capitalized, so they must be supervised by the government?

Would you have said, ” C’mon that will never happen in America.”

2. What if I had told you that within Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office the federal government would be the largest shareholder in two of the US Big-Three automakers: Ford, GM, and Chrysler? That the government would kick out the CEO’s of these companies and appoint hand-picked executives with zero experience in the auto industry and that executive compensation would be determined, not by a Board of Directors, but by the government?

Would you have said, “C’mon that will never happen in America.”

3. What if I had told you that Barack Obama would appoint 21 Czars, without congressional approval, accountable only to him, not to the voters, who would have control over a wide range of US policy decisions. That there would be a Stimulus Accountability Czar, an Urban Czar, a Compensation Czar, an Iran Czar, an Auto Industry Czar, a Cyber Security Czar, an Energy Czar, a Bank Bailout Czar, and more than a dozen other government bureaucrats with unchecked regulatory powers over US domestic and foreign policy.

Would you have said, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

4. What if I had told you that the federal deficit would be $915 billion in the first six months of the Obama presidency – with a projected annual deficit of $1.75 trillion – triple the $454.8 billion in 2008, for which the previous administration was highly criticized by Obama and his fellow Democrats. That congress would pass Obama’s $3.53 trillion federal budget for fiscal 2010. That the projected deficit over the next ten years would be greater than $10 trillion.

Would you have said, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

5. What if I had told you that the Obama Justice Department would order FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high-value detainees captured on the battlefield and held at US military detention facilities in Afghanistan. That Obama would order the closing of the Guantanamo detention facility with no plan for the disposition of the 200-plus individuals held there. That several of the suspected terrorists at Guantanamo would be sent to live in freedom in Bermuda at the expense of the US government. That some of our returning US veterans would be labeled terrorists and put on a watch list.

Would you have said, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

6. What if I had told you that the federal government would seek powers to seize key companies whose failures could jeopardize the financial system. That a new regulatory agency would be proposed by Obama to control loans, credit cards, mortgage-backed securities, and other financial products offered to the public.

Would you have said, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

7. What if I had told you that Obama would travel to the Middle East, bow before the Saudi king, and repeatedly apologize for America’s past actions. That he would travel to Latin America where he would warmly greet Venezuela’s strongman Hugo Chavez and sit passively in the audience while Nicaraguan Marxist thug Daniel Ortega charged America with terrorist aggression in Central America.

Would you have said, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

8. Okay, now what if I were to tell you that Obama wants to dismantle conservative talk radio through the imposition of a new “Fairness Doctrine.” That he wants to curtail the First Amendment rights of those who may disagree with his policies via internet blogs, cable news networks, or advocacy ads. That most major network television and most newspapers will only sing his phrases like state-run media in communist countries?

Would you say, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

9. What if I were to tell you that the Obama Justice Department is doing everything it can to limit your Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. That the federal government wants to reinstate the so-called assault weapons ban which would prohibit the sale of any type of firearm that does not require the shooter to pull the trigger every time a round is fired. That Obama’s Attorney General wants to eliminate the sale of virtually all handguns and ammunition, which most citizens choose for self-defense.

Would you say, “Cmon that will never happen in America.”

10. What if I were to tell you that the Obama plan is to eliminate states rights guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment and give the federal government sweeping new powers over policies currently under the province of local and state governments and voted on by the people. That Obama plans to control the schools, energy production, the environment, health care, and the wealth of every US citizen.

Would you say, “C’mon, that will never happen in America.”

11. What if I were to tell you that the president, the courts, and the federal government have ignored the US Constitution and have seized powers which the founders of our country fought to restrict. That our last presidential election may have been our last truly free election for some time to come. That our next presidential election may look similar to the one recently held in Iran. (And maybe under review by ACORN.)

I know – I know what you will say. That will never happen in America.

Hopefully you realize the significance of taking the census away from the Commerce Department and placing it under the White House, where Acorn has been given broad authority to manage it.
If we don’t do everything in our power to stop this madness in 2010 and 2012, may God have mercy on our souls. Pass this on to every freedom loving American you can.

Campaign For Liberty’s Northeast Conference

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

August 21, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Our Northeast Regional Conference on Sept. 17-19 in Valley Forge, PA will feature Congressman Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Tom Woods, Phil Giraldi, and Peter Schiff.

How can an event with such a powerful lineup get any better?

I am proud to announce that British Member of Parliament Daniel Hannan is now confirmed as the latest addition to our Conference!

Daniel Hannan has become an international sensation for defending the principles of a sound fiscal policy. He made headlines when he openly criticized British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for his policies of spending Great Britain into even larger debt, referring to Brown as “The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government.” The video of that interaction has achieved worldwide fame and reached approximately 2.5 million views on Youtube alone!

Don’t miss out on what is sure to be the biggest Regional Conference yet! Register or become a sponsor today and use promotional code Madison when registering to receive a free gift from Campaign for Liberty.

Daniel Hannan has graciously agreed to take part in two private events with C4L members. Hannan will be holding a private briefing on Saturday afternoon, Sept 19, in which he will discuss his time in the British Parliament, his battles against the forces of big government, and his continued struggle to uphold liberty.

This is a very rare opportunity to hear Hannan in person in what will be a very intimate gathering. Spots are extremely limited, so sign up today!

Later that evening, he will also take part in our “Gold Reception,” where he will be joined by Peter Schiff and Tom Woods for a time of appetizers, drinks, and interaction with C4L members.

The private briefing and Gold Reception are each $100.

Become a sponsor and receive admission into both of these events as well as access to grassroots training, our Diamond Reception with Ron Paul, briefing with Judge Napolitano, and more!

You may also purchase tickets for both of these events separately by visiting our registration page. If you have already purchased tickets for the Conference or any related event, you can purchase a ticket the same way you used to register for those events. Just uncheck the boxes of the events you’re already scheduled to attend and then select the Private Briefing with Daniel Hannan and the Gold Reception.

Don’t forget to use promotional code “Madison” to receive your free gift!

Finally, on Saturday night, Hannan will once again join Peter Schiff and Tom Woods for our Economic Liberty Symposium. The Symposium is a FREE event that is open to the public.

Click on the video below to watch Daniel Hannan take on Gordon Brown and champion restoring Britain to sound economic footing:

With Congressman Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Tom Woods, Phil Giraldi, Peter Schiff, and now Daniel Hannan, as well as hundreds of liberty minded activists, this will be without question an event of a lifetime.

I look forward to seeing you there!

In Liberty,
John Tate


The Free Market as Regulator

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Texas Straight Talk – A weekly column
Rep. Ron Paul (R) – TX 14

Since the bailouts last fall, lawmakers have been behaving as quasi-owners of the bailed-out banks and businesses, leading to calls for increased regulation of executive compensation and other wasteful expenditures. We have heard much about bonuses and executive pay packages that sound more like lottery winnings than an honest salary.

Many lawmakers voted in favor of these unconstitutional bailouts, believing that these corporations were too big to fail, and allowing them to go under would precipitate widespread economic disaster. This second wave of citizen outrage at the bailouts has left these lawmakers with a bit of egg on their face, and once again, they feel the need to “do something” to “fix” it. Shouldn’t there be a regulatory structure in place governing executive compensation? Politically, it seems quite feasible. People are outraged that the system has once again gutted the many to make a few at the top fantastically wealthy. But they are incorrectly demonizing the free market.

What we need to realize is that there WAS a regulatory structure in place that was attempting to stop bad management, including overpaying executives. That regulatory structure is the free market, and when poor management brought these companies to the point of bankruptcy, Congress circumvented the wisdom of the free market, and inserted its own judgment at our expense. And now because of that intervention, we will burdened with massive new regulations. We can be certain this effort will fail.

The free market is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can’t be eliminated by governments, not even totalitarian ones like the former Soviet Union. It can be regulated, over-taxed and manipulated until it is driven underground. Lately it has been wrongly accused of doing so many things it just doesn’t do, that are really the fault of crony corporatism and convoluted government policies that brought on the crisis. Too many people equate the free market with big business doing whatever it wants, but that is not the free market. Unconstitutional taxpayer funded bailouts are what allow giant corporations to run roughshod over the economy. The free market is what puts them out of business when they misbehave.

The free market is you and your neighbors working hard to produce what you produce, and exchanging goods and services voluntarily, in mutually agreeable arrangements. The free market is about respecting property rights and contracts. It is not about building up oligarchs and monopolies and confiscatory tax theft – these are creatures of government.

We must watch out when government comes up with interventionist solutions to interventionist problems. The root of our problems lie in interventionism. Trusting the free market is the solution.

Take Action in August to Audit the Fed

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Turn on the TV . . . pick up a paper . . . surf the news sites . . . even visit Youtube.

Everywhere you look, Congressmen are catching heat in their own backyards.

They thought going back to their districts during August recess would be a breath of fresh air and a time to unwind. Boy, were they wrong!

Now they can’t wait to run off back to Washington, D.C. to escape the mobs of outraged constituents in their home districts.

So that’s why we need to make their return to D.C. as politically unpleasant as some of these townhall meetings.

Campaign for Liberty is launching a mass action movement, and we need you to be a part of it.

Starting right away, it is time to double down on collecting signatures for S 604, the Senate Audit the Fed Bill.

While Congress is still on recess, townhall meetings are a great place to gather tons of petition signatures.

To make things interesting, Campaign for Liberty is upping the stakes. The person who gathers the most signatures in each state will win a pocket Constitution and a copy of Dr. Paul’s new book End the Fed, both autographed by Dr. Paul himself.

And whichever state collects the most signatures (as a percentage of population) will win a $1,000 gift certificate to the Campaign for Liberty store.

A recent Rasmussen poll shows that 75% of Americans support a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve, so there are plenty of willing signers out there just waiting to be asked.

With 3 out of every 4 people a supporter, you could gather hundreds of petitions just hitting a few blocks door-to-door!

But collecting the petitions is just the first step.

When the Senators return to D.C. on September 8th, we want to let them know right away that we haven’t let up. We want them sweating as soon as they get back.

So, for the first week (September 8th – 15th), let’s keep their phones ringing off the hook about Audit the Fed. Let’s keep at least one staffer in every office busy from morning to night.

If everyone makes just one call a day, they will be overwhelmed. And believe me, they will get the message.

And that’s when we hammer it home.

On Tuesday, September 15th at 4PM, it’s finally time to deliver those petitions!

Your local leaders are already developing a strategy for the most effective petition drops, so please check your state page for plans and updates.

Similar pressure brought almost two-thirds of the House of Representatives on board with Audit the Fed, and it’s high time the Senate shaped up.

Can you imagine the reaction at each Senate office to hundreds of patriots delivering thousands of petitions, all on the back of a week of non-stop calls and a month of townhall protests?

The effects of displays like these are two-fold, because in addition to putting political pressure on your Senators, they generate local media coverage and help spread the Audit the Fed message to more voters.

Which in turn puts more pressure on your Senators.

So let’s turn up the heat. Gather as many S 604 petition signatures as you can. Hit up the townhall protests and any other liberty-minded rallies.

Remember, the winning signature-gatherer in each state wins a copy of End the Fed and a pocket Constitution, both autographed by Ron Paul.

Not to mention the winning state gets a $1,000 Campaign for Liberty shopping spree!

When the Senators finally retreat to Washington, D.C. on September 8th, call their office daily to ratchet up the pressure for Audit the Fed.

And then, on Tuesday, September 15th at 4 PM local time, we’ll really let ’em have it! We’ll deliver those thousands of petitions simultaneously, in front of news camera and the public eye.

Check your state page for specific petition drop plans for your state.

This Mass Action Movement will be critical in getting Audit the Fed passed in the Senate. I hope you will take the time to join in this winning fight.

In Liberty,

John F. Tate

Less Government or Lower Wages? You Decide.

Friday, August 14th, 2009

by Peter Schiff, CEO Euro Pacific Capital
August 14, 2009

The nationwide revelry surrounding our apparent economic recovery was disrupted this week by the release of lower-than-expected retail sales data. However, rather than sending a chill up the spines of those hoping for a quick end to the downturn, the numbers should be welcomed. Though this may come as a surprise to most observers, lower retail sales are precisely what our economy needs.

To return our economy to health, we must first allow market forces to ring out the excesses of the bubble years. Even government economists acknowledge that this decade’s spending boom resulted from a combination of asset bubbles and the dangerous overextension of consumer credit. Yet the same economists balk at the logical need for spending to drop now that the stimuli are no longer in effect. They argue for the resumption of spending by any means, regardless of its ultimate cost. This is a recipe for momentary gain and lasting pain.

America’s economic vitality will never be restored until we rebuild our savings and pay down our debts. To build back up, we must change the pattern of capital flows from the phony economy. It is a painful process, but one that will leave our economy on a stronger foundation. Unfortunately, Americans cannot accomplish these goals unless they stop shopping, live within their means, and replenish their savings. Though this may be problematic for retailers, it is beneficial to the overall economy.

But rather than accepting the market’s medicine, our government is overriding its own citizens’ responsible behavior. To do so, it has put borrowed money into consumers’ pockets, and then conjured various incentives for them to go out and spend it. This process requires more government bureaucracy, more debt, and more regulation at a time when we can’t afford any of it.

In contrast, I believe that we must restore the conditions that led to our economic preeminence. We must once again become the leader in economic freedom. This entails dismantling a significant portion of our federal and state governments, repealing countless unnecessary regulations, significantly lowering and simplifying taxes, and reinstituting sound money. If we accomplish these tasks, conditions will be ripe for a lasting recovery that solidifies our place at the top of the global economic totem pole.

However, if we neglect these reforms, and instead continue on our present course of more government and less freedom, more borrowing and less savings, more spending and less production, then our standard of living is doomed to fall. As the world cuts us off from its savings and production, we will finally be forced to live within our means. On a practical level, imagine living without easy access to the cheap and abundant goods with the “made in China” label. Imagine Walmart rolling up prices every week, while wages continue to fall. This pain would hit every American, not just retailers.

There are two ways to rebalance the American economy. The right way is to restore competitiveness through diminished government spending, deregulation, lower taxes, and higher savings. Higher savings will facilitate capital formation, and lower taxes and fewer regulations will allow that capital to improve the competitiveness of American labor. Improved productivity and capital investment will translate into higher real wages and pave the way to higher future living standards.

Alternatively, if we don’t rebalance our economy on these terms, our foreign creditors will do it for us – and they may have no compunction about imposing harsh measures. This tough medicine will be delivered in the form of declining value for the dollar. This will effectively raise consumer prices and interest rates for all Americans and dramatically lower the real value of our wages. In other words, balance will be restored from abroad by forcing our living standards to match our diminished industrial capacity. If we cannot compete based on lower taxes and increased capital investment, our only alternative will be to do so based on cheap labor.

Though president Obama claims that his policies will not raise taxes on average Americans, the unfortunate truth is that the effect of his policies will be to lower wages. The choice is simple: either we shrink government and enjoy higher wages, or grow government and accept lower wages. As for me, I prefer the former. However, if we do not change course soon, we will all be stuck with the latter.


Friday, August 14th, 2009

by: Brent De Leo, Pennsylvania

I was never too involved in politics; never really thought political battles affected my life too much. I basically thought that the system of checks and balances that our government was based on would take care of things and that even if someone got into office that I didn’t agree with, it would all be corrected 4-8 years later as the country ping-ponged between democratic and republican leaders. What I didn’t realize until later is that the reason we ping-pong between parties is because neither party actually satisfies us and gives us what we want. They entice us with “good” and then we find that our liberties are taken in order to architect the “good” their way.

I had watched George W. Bush trample on the Constitution with the Patriot Act, spend far too much money on an endless war of occupation rather than defeat, and I watched him grow the size of government, the control of government, and our country’s debt by leaps and bounds. I, too, wanted change. But, I wasn’t sure what change I was looking for and during the 2008 election cycle, no one really ever talked about what the change was going to be, just that we needed some change.

I wanted a change in politics, but I didn’t want to fundamentally change America. This country is great – the only country with real freedom and a system of government that is based on the notion that the people are in charge. Any unhappiness I have about my country is about the leaders that overstep their bounds, not the governmental structure that our founders put into motion. In order to understand what a government “by the people” means, we must ask ourselves a question. Where do our freedoms come from? If the answer is that our government gives them to us by laws, then that means that our freedoms can be taken away by our government with new laws. Or, do we believe that our freedom comes from our Maker, whomever you believe your Maker is? Do we believe that humans were placed on this earth with a purpose and that the mere fact that we are human gives us the freedom of expression, the freedom of thought, and the right to be ourselves and control our own destinies? A set of laws cannot provide for our freedom – liberty is part of who we are, not who we are allowed to be.

So, America voted for change. Did we get it? If you are anything like me, the main grievances with George W. Bush were the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act, the endless spending on an endless war “on terror”, the increasing power of the federal government, and an out of control debt. So, what has changed? President Obama has renewed the Patriot Act, has continued the war with no noticeable decrease in spending, has increased the size of the federal government, and has dramatically increased our debt. Somehow, amidst the cheering, balloons, and chants for change, we ended up with more of the same.

On the surface you might be tempted to say that we have voted in another George W. Bush and can expect 4 years of the same Bush-like policies. But, that is only true if those four things I mentioned are the things that “change” is being measured against. Obviously, those are not the things that Barrack Obama was speaking of when he promised us “change we could believe in”. Therefore, it should be no surprise that those four things didn’t change – the Patriot Act continues, the endless war continues, the federal government control is increasing (even faster now), and our national debt is spiraling out of control.

So, what was the change that our new president was speaking of? I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure yet. We see glimpses of what he was talking about by watching the political moves that his administration makes, but we can’t quite see the whole picture of what he is trying to accomplish. I’m not going to speculate on where we are headed, for I am not qualified to make that assessment. But, I’m not sure that the destination is as important as what we can see in HOW we are getting there – the methods. Our forefathers recognized that the freedoms of the individual outweighed any goal of the government. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”. Go back and read it again – the Constitution and Bill of Rights spell out what the federal government cannot do to the citizens of this country and the small number of things that the federal government was established for. It was written this way on purpose so that it was clear that the government was not to control our lives, to take care of us, or to tell us how to live.

Some may disagree with me that the destination itself is less important than the methods, so let me explain. We all strive for peace and want people to get along, right? So, what if we placed armed militia in every neighborhood and public square and if anyone disagreed with the official sanctioned opinion adopted by the government (on any issue) they were immediately jailed? This would certainly create peace, would it not? There would be no disagreements, no passionate marches, and no arguments in the public square – so, yes, we’d have peace. Does the destination of peace justify the methods of obtaining the peace? No, it does not. Individual liberties are more precious than obtaining any end result – ever! My point? Even if President Obama’s destination is good – healthcare for all Americans, reduction of greenhouse gases, social justice for minorities and disadvantaged groups, bailouts to reduce layoffs, etc. – that doesn’t mean that the methods are always justified. The good of the “collective” does not outweigh the rights of the individual. If we accomplish these goals, but lose democracy, liberty, and individual rights, what have we gained? But, this isn’t about the difference between Democratic policies and Republican policies. Democrats want policies and laws that dictate their ideals. Republicans want policies and laws that dictate their ideals. I, and likely most of you, want policies and laws to be removed so that liberties are given back to the individual; so that we can once again be a nation of the people and for the people. Our federal government was formed to protect the people of this great Nation, not to implement laws that tell us how we should live. Have we forgotten about the 10th amendment? “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

My mother always told me to pick my friends carefully, that who I associate with says a lot about who I am. This isn’t a new or obscure notion. George Washington, our first President, once said, “Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company”. So, while we might not be able to make concrete statements about President Obama based on who he associates with, certainly reason would tell us that it indeed tells us something about him, the type of company he enjoys, and something about his belief system. Let’s just look at some of his czar and advisor appointments. Some of them are very radical-thinking people that do not fall into the mainstream of America at all and certainly don’t agree with the core ideals that America was founded on. They are people that have clear socialists ties, want major government power, are admitted communists, think that putting sterilizing agents into the drinking water is a good way to control the population, believe in forced abortions for population control, believe that all capitalism is bad and have a desire to de-develop America, and are part of very radical groups that, under the disguise of “green jobs” want to shake up the American system of capitalism, turn it on its head, and re-shape America. I’ve heard some people explain that the czars and advisors don’t have any real power, so it is all harmless. While they don’t have a vote into legislation, what do we think they are managing and advising about? Do we realize that the Apollo Alliance, a “green job” radical organization, actually wrote the stimulus bill and that several in the White House are connected to them, including admitted communist and founding member of the Apollo Alliance, Van Jones. Have you ever wondered why all the stimulus dollars don’t seem to help you or put money into your pocket and unemployment rates continue to rise? If a radical “green jobs” group wrote it, I wonder where their allegiances are; it doesn’t seem like actually getting unemployment down is part of their plan. These examples are simply to show who President Obama is surrounding himself with. People naturally surround themselves with people they agree with – even if they don’t agree with everything. If the current administration is looking to restore American freedoms, economic position, and jobs, why would he hire people that have socialist, communist, and radical views that seem to directly conflict with what Americans is. It makes me wonder – What is his end game here?

But, we can’t simply blame politicians or the current administration; we’ve been heading down this path for quite some time. Sure, if we don’t agree with the current direction of the country, we have an obligation to stand up, voice our opinions, and change the leaders in Washington. But, we need to reexamine our own priorities. Do we want to be right? Or, do we want individual liberties? Do we want someone in office that will force the country down a path that we agree with? Or, do we want individual liberties so that we can all live our own lives the way we want? Are we satisfied with the ping-pong from left to right as we are continually disappointed with the leaders that we put in charge of our country?

Power, prestige, and ideology have clouded our judgement and perspective. We have long forgotten the sting of tyranny and have enjoyed the comforts of liberty to the point in which we can no longer see the beauty of our republic, yet only the stains. Denying the ability to lose the freedom that our forefathers were willing to die for, we have given in to the harlot’s enticement and allowed new pleasures to be more noble than freedom.

While we venture toward “social justice” in the name of equality, we’ve turned away from the liberty we thought we were in search of all along. While we so quickly embraced wanting what wasn’t ours, we’ve neglected to see that the same tyrant we fought against is the one that is now coordinating our demise and deciding how the people of this nation will divide our labors among us all. In our folly, we looked to our government to give us comfort, to give us meaning, to give us boundaries, and to tell us how to live – fear not, we have gotten for what we asked, with no request denied.

We have come to believe that our desire is not merely the pursuit of happiness, but rather happiness itself. Make no mistake, when we are no longer willing to pursue our own happiness, we have given in, let down our guard, shackled our own feet, and given this experiment of a republic back to the king from which we revolted. For the great and oppressive tyrants in Washington will more than oblige to give us happiness without the tiresome pursuit, yet it will not be a happiness that will easily be recognized and will certainly not satisfy. We have misunderstood the plight of our forefathers and have come to believe that they wanted financial equality for all, forgetting that they simply wanted freedom from oppressive rule and control so that they could be free.

We have turned a blind eye on liberty for the comforts of today, for a hand-out from our leaders, for the luxury of an unearned check, for not having to pay our own rent, for not having to save our own money for retirement, and even to not have to learn from our own mistakes and failures. We are even joyous when we receive a “tax credit” from our leaders; money that was ours in the first place and was taken from us. And, in these concerning economic times, we gladly toss liberty to the wind, hold out our hands, and thank our kind leaders for the job we now believe we deserve even without the pursuit. Yes, we have been given the choice between liberty and comfort – we unabashedly chose comfort. Some may exclaim that liberty was stolen from us!! But, history proves this theory to be but a mirage, one carefully crafted by politicians on both sides of the aisle as they entice us to follow them further down the rabbit hole of complete dependence.

It is now self-evident that liberty was ours! She had been given to us by our Maker, through the blood of our fathers, and we held her firmly in our hands. With eyes wide open, we followed other ideals other than liberty, we decided to rely on our government instead of ourselves, and we gave liberty away. All is not lost, however. She can be repurchased -yes, repurchased. It isn’t too late. But, it will cost us. Make no mistake, it will cost us. We cannot pretend that we didn’t give her away willingly, we cannot pretend that someone stole her from us while we weren’t watching, we cannot pretend that we hadn’t indeed forgotten the sting of tyranny and let down our guard. For, if we make way for new leaders and then beg them to find our liberty for us and bring her back to us, then our dependence on government will continue – have we not learned anything?

We, on our own, let liberty go – only we can get her back. We, on our own, held out our hands in complete dependence on our government and watched liberty disappear into the night. Once again, we must rise up like our forefathers. We, the people, must seek out liberty, fight for her with integrity and peace, and bring her back home safely.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”

Liberty – change I can believe in.

Announcing AuditTheFed.com!

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

As you and I both know, Campaign for Liberty is leading the fight to pass Ron Paul’s bill to Audit the Fed. With 282 cosponsors in the House and 23 in the Senate, your efforts have so far proven very successful in establishing large, bipartisan support for Federal Reserve transparency. We’ve come a long way in demonstrating to the nation that monetary policy is a critical issue, and every day more and more people are waking up to the harm that the Fed has caused our economy.

But our mission is not yet complete. There are more Americans to educate, more signatures to collect, and more work to be done to combat the “big guns” that have come out against Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill. That’s why today I’m proud to announce that we’ve taken the next step in our efforts by launching AuditTheFed.com, a focused, coalition website with one purpose: to push this historic piece of legislation through Congress, past the President’s desk, and into law.

AuditTheFed.com includes: contact information for your congressman and senators, petitions, widgets, and banners to promote the website, dynamic graphs of the bill’s cosponsors, a detailed summary of the Audit the Fed bill, a list of our growing coalition, a blog to keep you up to date on all the latest Audit the Fed news, a sign up for email updates, and social networks to help get the word out online. This website was designed to put you, the liberty-loving activist, in a position to efficiently and effectively promote Audit the Fed to family, friends, neighbors, and strangers alike.

This new website is the latest addition to our efforts to Audit the Fed, but it is by no means the culmination. Stay tuned to CampaignforLiberty.com in the coming days for information on how we plan to mobilize to gain not only more cosponsors for HR 1207 and S 604, but support for a vote in the House and Senate.

For Liberty,
John Tate


P.S. If you are able, please consider donating to Campaign for Liberty today to help ensure Audit the Fed becomes law and we can finally bring transparency and accountability to one of our country’s most secretive institutions.

Campaign For Liberty Northeast Regional Conference Grows!

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

August 9, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

The speaker lineup for Campaign for Liberty’s Northeast Regional Conference continues to grow!

Not only will Congressman Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano be present, but I am proud to announce that they will be joined in Valley Forge by best-selling author and historian Tom Woods as well as former CIA counterterrorism specialist and military intelligence officer Phil Giraldi.

Only in Valley Forge will Tom Woods give the fourth installment of his Foundations of Liberty lecture series that was developed specifically for C4L.

Phil Giraldi, a recognized authority on international security and counterterrorism issues as well as a regular contributor to The American Conservative and CampaignForLiberty.com, will speak to attendees about the state of current US foreign policy. This will give you the information about our foreign affairs the mainstream politicians and media pundits refuse to provide.

You can attend these lectures plus much more for only $76! Register today using promotional code Jackson to receive a FREE gift from Campaign for Liberty.

Campaign for Liberty is committed to giving Regional Conference attendees top-notch political training and networking opportunities to strengthen our movement and prepare grassroots activists to reclaim their country one neighborhood at a time. With Congressman Paul, Judge Napolitano, Tom Woods, and Phil Giraldi, our Northeast Regional Conference will be the biggest yet!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Don’t miss this chance to hear what they won’t teach you in most schools or tell you on the news. Space for C4L’s political training is limited, so reserve your spot today and use promotional code “Jackson” to receive your free gift!

911 Call for Farmer’s Markets and Food Groups/Co-ops

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Fund Announces New Affiliate Membership Program In Celebration of National Farmer’s Market Week

Offering Legal Services to Rapidly Growing and Increasingly Regulated Direct-to-Consumer Groups

Falls Church, Virginia (August 7, 2009) – Even as the USDA commends Farmer’s Markets in the week-long National Farmer’s Market Week, August 2 – 9, 2009, State and local health and agriculture departments are making participation difficult and expensive by cracking down on participating farmers.

Some Farmer’s Markets have become a victim of their own success, as regulators swarm over these events and nit-pick the farmers for fees, licenses and permits.

“We are seeing farmers quit the markets because they are besieged with burdensome regulations and overlapping licensing requirements that make doing business at the farmer’s market too costly,” said Fund President Pete Kennedy, Esq. The Fund seeks to support Farmer’s Markets and other direct-to-consumer food outlets with a new Affiliate Membership program that provides affordable, accessible legal guidance for these organizations.

“When Farmer’s Markets are open early in the morning or on the weekend, their Market Manager can call our Emergency Hotline to talk directly with legal counsel about a market problem” says Kennedy.

“When I joined the Fund I never thought I would ever need to call to the Emergency Hotline. In less than thirty seconds there was Pete Kennedy calling me back”, says Pam Lunn, owner of the Dancing Goat Dairy in Tampa, Florida. Pam had been ordered to stop selling milk by a misinformed inspector at the Saturday Market. “The money I spent on joining was the best money I have ever spent in a lifetime!”

Farmer’s Markets are the flagship of the innovative and rapidly expanding direct-to-consumer food trend fueled by the public demand for fresher, more nutritious food that is produced closer to home. Millions of food-savvy consumers are bypassing the grocery stores and flocking to innovative outlets like Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Cow-Share Programs, Private Buyers Clubs and Food Co-ops to access food for their families which is not available elsewhere in their communities. Because of the many recent food recalls, the draw to these outlets is fresh, safe, nutritious and non-toxic foods from known sources – local sustainable farmers.

The USDA reports that direct-to-consumer market is the fastest growing sector of the agricultural economy: “Over the past decade, the growth of direct-to-consumer food marketing across all regions far exceeded the growth of total agricultural sales. From 1997-2007, direct-to-consumer food marketing grew by 104.7 percent in the United States, while total agricultural sales increased by only 47.6 percent.” (USDA Facts on Direct-to-Consumer Marketing, May 2009).

“As our name suggests, the Fund was originally created to support the Farmer and the Consumer. Now, we feel it’s essential to support the “to” in our name, the non-profit groups and local food entrepreneurs who are recreating the way that America shops for food,” says Kennedy.

“Our Affiliate Membership Program is the next critical step in our mission to expand and encourage direct-to-consumer trade and ultimately provide our neighbors and communities with easy access to local, fresh and safe sustainably farmed products.” Candidates for Affiliate Memberships include Farmer’s Markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs), Cow or Goat-Share Programs, Private Buyers Clubs and Food Co-ops.

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of sustainable farmers, and protects consumer access to raw milk and local, nutrient-dense foods. Concerned citizens can support the Fund by joining at www.farmtoconsumer. org or by contacting Fund at 703-208-FARM (3276).

The Fund’s sister organization, the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation works to promote consumer access to raw milk and local, nutrient-dense food, and support for farmers engaged in sustainable farm stewardship. Visit www.farmtoconsumerf oundation. org.


Taaron G. Meikle

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
