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Archive for the ‘Senate’ Category

Rand Paul Campaign Update

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Dear friend of liberty,

Dr. Rand Paul was warmly received last weekend in Hazard, Kentucky, where he went on a fact-finding mission about the coal industry. While there, he took a firm position that defending property rights is the surest way to steward the environment, and reaffirmed his commitment to protecting Kentucky jobs and preventing increased energy costs by opposing unconstitutional legislation like Cap & Trade.

News that Dr. Paul received over $1 million in donations during the third quarter – significantly more than any other senate candidate – is sweeping the state like wildfire. The campaign also released information that Rand had received more donations from Kentucky residents than his opponent. Despite already holding office and being backed by established pro-bailout senators, Rand’s primary opponent raised a disappointing $640k.

In addition to more in-state enthusiasm and the support of a growing number of local voters, Rand Paul also enjoys backing from average citizens across the United States who believe strongly in the Constitution. The factors combine to make Dr. Paul the most likely Republican to retain Senator Bunning’s seat, and put him in a strong position to represent Kentucky’s interests and the principles of liberty on the national scene.

Dr. Paul’s schedule is getting busier every week! This Thursday, he will speak at the Shelby County GOP meeting. On Friday, he will be doing a number of interviews. On Saturday, he will address the Franklin County Young Republicans, the Republican Liberty Caucus in Georgetown, and the Harrison County GOP Elephant Stomp. More detailed information can be found on the Event Calendar.

Come on out to these events, meet Rand, and help take back your country! Thank you for all you do for liberty.

Christopher Hightower
Rand Paul For US Senate

You’re the First to Know

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Dear Friend,

Well, it looks like you have made a difference.

Based upon the unbelievable support that I have receieved from 10,000 supporters like you, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring to challenge Chris Dodd for the honor of representing the state of Connecticut in the United States Senate. I will announce my candidacy on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Thursday, September 17 at 8:15am eastern time. Sorry for the short notice, but its important to honor commitments and keep these things under raps until the day the news breaks.

At this time last year I could not have imagined that that I would be making such an announcement today. I had never intended to become a candidate for public office. But these are extraordinary times. Our economy is falling apart in front of our eyes and Washington seems intent on making the wheels come off even faster. At a time when we desperately need adult supervison, the economically illiterate are running the show. As I love my country, it now seems clear that I must try to do something to help. The emotional and material support I have received from across the country has made the decision much easier.

So today it begins. As I’m sure you are aware, the rules in politics bear only scant resemblance to those which govern polite society. As a result, I am wading into strange waters, and I’m sure strange things will happen. But I promise to maintain my composure and give it my best shot. Based on the support that I have received thus far, I fully expect to be facing down Chris Dodd in the general election just 14 months from now.

As my campaign takes flight, I appreciate the patience and trust that you have shown. To commit time and money to a long shot candidate for high office is a hard choice. I hope to repay that trust with a first class campaign.

I look forward to your feedback and your continued support.

Thanks again,
Peter Schiff

Rand Paul for US Senator from Kentucky

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Congressman Ron Paul

Dear Friend,

The first independent Senate poll in Kentucky has Dr. Rand Paul, after only 3 months of campaigning, just 11 points behind establishment candidate Trey Grayson. The numbers read 37% – 26% and have sent shortwaves across the state. There is no doubt now that Rand Paul can win this race and go to Washington as a true voice of Liberty. Today, we need to build on that momentum by donating at this website, www.RandPaul2010.com

Grassroots organizers have across the country have been organizing across the country to have a money bomb for Rand today, August 20th. An influx of campaign cash would propel Rand to incredible momentum and allow him to fund the type of aggressive grassroots campaign he will need to take this seat and head to United States Senate.

On the heels of this tremendous poll, the political elite are watching today’s efforts intently. Let’s show them that Liberty can prevail and donate $25, $50, $100, $250 or more right now.

Victory is possible, but we need your help. Please go to
and donate right now!

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

Senator Jim DeMint: “It’s time to save freedom.”

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

Dear Fellow Conservative:

If it concerns you that America is sliding toward socialism, I hope you will join me in supporting a group I am leading to elect true conservatives to the U.S. Senate who will stand up and fight to save freedom.

Saving Freedom Fighting for freedom is the reason I ran for the Senate and it’s also why I wrote a new book called Saving Freedom that I would like to send you.

I’ll tell you more about that in a minute…

But first, I need you to CLICK HERE if you agree that we need to elect more true conservatives to U.S. Senate who will fight for liberty.

As you know, President Obama and congressional Democrats are ramming billions in bailouts, stimulus plans, and pork-barrel projects through Congress as fast as they can.

We desperately need principled leaders in the Senate to stop them, and we need those leaders now.

The tea parties have been great. They are a physical representation of the growing anger Americans have over the direction of our country. But now we need to channel our energy into positive action that makes a real difference.

That is why I formed the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). Its mission is to bring bold leadership to Washington by supporting only the most rock-solid, conservative Senate candidates nationwide — candidates who believe in limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional family values.

SCF does this by making financial contributions to candidates, educating voters on key issues, and building a grass roots army of like-minded conservatives across the country who will push our candidates on to victory.

And let me be absolutely clear about something. SCF does not support liberal Republicans and is not affiliated with the Republican Party or any of its campaign committees. SCF only supports conservatives and will support conservative challengers in Republican primaries when it’s necessary.

So if you like wishy-washy Republicans who talk out of both sides of their mouths and try to have it both ways, you won’t like SCF. I will tell you that up front.

But if you love America and you believe it is the world’s greatest bastion of freedom, then you should join our team and help us take back our country.

There are just under 500 days until the 2010 elections, and we have a lot of work to do. SCF has already made three important endorsements for three impressive candidates.

* In Oklahoma, we are supporting the re-election bid of conservative U.S. Senator Tom Coburn. As I’m sure you know, Senator Coburn is a one-man pork-busting machine who has done more to protect American taxpayers from wasteful Washington spending than anyone in Congress.
* In Pennsylvania, we are backing former Congressman Pat Toomey in his race to replace ultra-liberal Senator Arlen Specter, who helped President Obama pass the $1 trillion stimulus bill and recently switched parties to save his political hide.
* In Florida, we have endorsed former Speaker of the House Marco Rubio who is running for the GOP nomination against Governor Charlie Crist. Rubio is a bright, articulate, and principled leader who has what it takes to win this important seat for conservatives.

Right now SCF is working hard to build support across the country for our conservative candidates, but we need your help to succeed.

If you’re ready to take back your country and fight to save freedom, then I hope you will CLICK HERE to make your very best contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even $500 to the Senate Conservatives Fund.

In appreciation of your contribution of $25 or more to SCF, I will send you a copy of the book I mentioned earlier, Saving Freedom.

And for your contribution of $100 or more to SCF, I will send you a personally autographed copy of my book.

I wrote Saving Freedom to help explain the value of freedom in America and describe how it works. I also wanted to give Americans a road map for how we can save it.

I’m making this special offer because I believe we must win a few key Senate races in 2010 or we won’t be able to stop our nation’s slide into socialism.

Many Americans seem to have forgotten how important liberty is, but it’s not too late to save the land of the free.

So please CLICK HERE to help SCF and get your copy of Saving Freedom today.

The benefit from your contribution will go directly and exclusively to SCF so it can help elect true conservatives to the U.S. Senate.

Together, we can strengthening the U.S. Senate and take back our great country.

Your friend,

Jim DeMint

Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

P.S. When Newt Gingrich read my book, he called it “a new Declaration of Independence.” I hope it is the same for you and your family!