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Archive for December, 2009

Sam Rohrer is running for PA governor

Monday, December 7th, 2009

He led the fight against Real ID in Pennsylvania.

He introduced the 10th Amendment resolution in PA.

State Rep. Sam Rohrer (R – 128 – Berks/Chester counties) announced on November 17th that he’s running for governor. His primary opponents are Tom Corbett, Attorney General (establishment favorite; neocons first choice) and Rep. Jim Gerlach (neocons second choice).

All the RP activists know who he because of Real ID. Democrats are changing registration to help in Sam’s campaign. The goal: eliminate property taxes in PA.

If all the C4L, 9/12, WTP groups etc. get behind him, he has a chance to win!


Pennsylvania’s Rally for the 10th Amendment – Sam Rohrer 03-16-09

Military Families Protest Obama’s Decision to Escalate War in Afghanistan

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Military Families Across the Country Protest President Obama’s Decision to Escalate War in Afghanistan

Contact: Deborah Forter, Military Families Speak Out, 617-983-0710, or press@mfso.org


December 3, 2009 – Following President Obama’s announcement of increased troop levels in Afghanistan, members of Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) and Gold Star Families Speak Out (GSFSO) expressed outrage and deep sadness by speaking out and taking part in protest actions across the country. While the military community is frequently tight-lipped about policy decisions, these military families broke that code of silence to publicly decry the President’s decision to escalate the war in Afghanistan.

MFSO members Linda and Phil Waste of Shellman Bluff, Georgia, describe how their families’ sense of duty to serve this country and their faith in President Obama has been abused:

We have lived in terror for over eight years now. Three of our sons and three grandchildren have served in the Army in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Our family has endured multiple deployments, extended deployments, stop loss, and the unconscionable practice of pressured reenlistment while in country. At present we have a grandson in Iraq and a granddaughter in Afghanistan. We believe all our sons suffer from some degree of PTSD, one more severe than the others. Our granddaughter is on all kinds of medication for PTSD, and yet is in Afghanistan on her 3rd deployment!

We worked hard to get President Obama elected and sent money out of our retirement to support his election. His many words of ‘hope’ did indeed give us ‘hope’, however, his deeds dashed our hopes on the rocks of more death and destruction of continued wars. The only sane solution is to bring the troops home now!

GSFSO members Kevin and Joyce Lucey of Belchertown, Massachusetts, whose son Jeffrey suffered severe psychological injuries of war and committed suicide after being denied proper care from the Veteran’s Administration, questioned President Obama about this surge in a recent open letter:

You talk of war talk but what of veterans’ care? Our loved ones still lack the care they desperately need. What of the way you continue to treat families of suicides? You stated that you sign letters to all those who lose their lives due to this war. That is not true due to the fact that you continue to refuse to send letters to those loved ones’ families who have committed suicide. The number of these families continues to grow as the military suicides rates rise to unprecedented levels, yet you ignore these families as your predecessor did. Where is the change?

You offer up not troops but citizens of this nation – our loved ones; you are sacrificing them. And for what? Have you any concept of the pain, grief, loss and destruction this policy will create and prolong?

MFSO and GSFSO members protested and responded to the President’s announcement Tuesday evening at venues across the country: speaking at a demonstration in West Point in New York; holding a press conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota; gathering together in Long Beach, California to watch the speech and share reflections with local and national press; holding vigils in New Jersey and other areas. Protests continued across the country on December 2nd, where members of Military Families Speak Out and Gold Star Families Speak Out shared personal experiences with the human cost of the current wars and the urgent need to bring them to an end.

Members of Military Families Speak Out, including families with loved ones currently in Afghanistan or those facing deployment or redeployment, along with members of Gold Star Families Speak Out, whose loved ones have died as a result of these wars, are available for interview.

To arrange for an interview, contact Deborah Forter at Military Families Speak Out, 617-983-0710 or press@mfso.org

Military Families Speak Out is a national organization of over 4,000 families who are opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and have loved ones serving or who have served in the military since 2001. For more information, see http://www.mfso.org. Gold Star Families Speak Out is a chapter of MFSO whose members’ loved ones have died as a result of the current wars. For more information see http://www.gsfso.org.

Help me “rout out” the enemies of freedom!

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Congressman Ron Paul
Foundation for Rational Economics and Education

Dear Friend of Liberty:

The Founders’ inspired vision of limited government has been kept alive by the hard work and generosity of Americans who truly cherish individual Liberty average people like you and me.

In the toughest times times like we are facing right now in the life of our nation freedom fighters have always stepped forward for America—armed with whatever it takes and at whatever sacrifice—to answer the call to defend our liberty. That’s how America was born and how we, as a free and sovereign nation, have survived.

I have not known a time when the threats to our Liberty and the Founders’ vision have been greater than they are today. For Liberty to survive, it is imperative that we confront these new threats, in all of their ugly forms, both foreign and domestic.

We continue to see a major economic crisis unfolding in our nation. New government programs are started daily, and future plans are being made for even more costly government expansion. All are based on the belief that we’re in this mess because free-market capitalism and sound money failed. The obsession is with more spending, bailout of bad investments, more debt, and further dollar debasement. Many are saying we need an international answer to our problems with the establishment of a world central bank and a single fiat reserve currency.

These suggestions are merely more of the same policies that created our mess and are doomed to fail.

At least 90% of the cause for the financial crisis can be laid at the doorstep of the Federal Reserve. Their manipulation of credit, the money supply, and interest rates caused the various bubbles to form.

Congress added fuel to the fire by various programs and institutions like the Community Reinvestment Act, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, FDIC, and HUD mandates, which were all backed up by aggressive court rulings.

The Fed and US Treasury have perniciously doled out trillions in subsidized loans to troubled banks and other financial institutions, and that number is growing through a revolving TARP slush fund which the Feds are using to bail out their huge corporate buddies. The Federal Reserve and Treasury constantly brag about the need for “transparency” and “oversight,” but it’s all just talk — they want none of it. They want secrecy while the privileged are rescued at the expense of the middle class.

It is unimaginable that Congress could be so derelict in its duty. It does nothing but condone the arrogance of the Fed in its refusal to tell us where the trillions in bailout money have gone. All Members of Congress should be outraged that conditions could deteriorate to this degree. It’s no wonder that a large and growing number of Americans are now demanding an end to the Fed.

The Federal Reserve created our problem, yet it manages to gain even more power in the socialization of the entire financial system. The whole bailout process this past couple of years has been characterized by no oversight, no limits, no concerns, no understanding, and no common sense.

Similar mistakes were made in the 1930s which ushered in the age of the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the Great Society and the supply-siders who convinced conservatives that deficits didn’t really matter after all, since they were anxious to finance a very expensive deficit-financed American empire.

All the programs since the Depression were meant to prevent recessions and depressions. Yet all that was done was to plant the seeds of the greatest financial bubble in all history. Because of this lack of understanding, the stage is now set for massive nationalization of the financial system, and even the means of production.

The Feds not only own and control car companies and financial institutions, their lust for power and control now extends to their malevolent scheme to nationalize our healthcare system and thereby take over one sixth of our entire economy. This will be a disaster if it happens!

I could go on but I know that you understand the crisis that we face and agree with me on what must be done to turn our nation around.

I hear from Americans like you who are up in arms about what is going on in our nation. Messages come into my congressional office morning, noon and night. Taxpayers are outraged by the huge bailouts, the massive expansion of government and the refusal by Congress and the leaders of both parties to follow the Constitution.

Many Americans are frustrated—many are outright angry—about failed government policies that just tighten the government’s noose around our necks. Many millions of fed up taxpayers have taken to the streets and town hall meetings in recent months to make sure their voices were heard by the uncaring Washington elites.

Since the financial crisis has become more and more apparent, and the attempts by the Fed and Treasury and Congress to solve the problem have become more desperate, my phone has been ringing off the wall with calls from media outlets wanting interviews and to get my opinions about what is going on and how we need to deal with it.

Several books that I have authored with the help of FREE have become instant best sellers as patriotic Americans search desperately for the intellectual and political ammunition they need to fight for the future of our country and to take back our freedom from the fascists who despise our Constitution and those of us who defend it.

During the presidential election, do you remember how the media scoffed at my suggestions that we were facing economic disaster? They laughed at my calls for limited government, for abolishing the Fed and the IRS, for cutting federal spending at home and abroad to balance our budget, and my call for a sound monetary system. Today, we are well into this economic crisis and they are not laughing any more.

The time is ripe for us to be at the forefront of offering workable solutions of calling for a return to limited, constitutional government, the need for honest money and low taxes, and the absolute need to expose and abolish the Federal Reserve which has done so much to undermine our currency and destroy one of the most productive economic systems in the history of the world.

My bill to audit the Fed has made tremendous progress. Together we have led the fight to get congressional hearings, 308 cosponsors, and unprecedented attention around the country for this legislation. Yet the banksters and a few of their weasel allies in Congress continue to do everything they can to water down or outright kill our movement to audit this monstrous institution.

I’m outraged at every such attempt to stop our bill in order to enable the secrecy and disruptive power of the Fed to continue. Some days I am so angered by the banksters’ underhanded shenanigans that I’m reminded of the famous battle cry of central bank foe Andrew Jackson as he moved to abolish the central bank: “By eternal God I will rout you out!” Jackson shouted as he demonstrated the courage to go against Congress and the Fed.

The task before us is huge. Our challenge is both political and philosophical, but either way, the solution must begin by properly educating Americans as to why our current out-of-control, misguided political and financial systems have failed, and what must be done to turn things around.

My Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE) has been waging such an educational effort for several decades. We have had a great deal of success publishing newsletters and books and producing radio and TV programs teaching people about the Constitution and free markets and sound money.

FREE has done much to educate patriots like you and to win the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans young and old.

FREE is publishing books like my popular Foreign Policy of Freedom, and we have printed and distributed tens of thousands of Pocket Constitutions to students and groups nationwide.

Today, given the severity of the crisis we face, we must do even more in our battle to spread the truth It is imperative that we redouble and expand the work and scope of FREE’s educational effort. Right now, while people are still looking for answers and even the media is trying to figure out what in the world is going on, we must step in to fill the void that exists and to provide answers and solutions for the problems that we face.

You have been a faithful supporter of the cause of liberty. You understand the serious nature of the threats that confront us and the dangers posed to our freedom and our very way of life.

Our ability to lead this movement comes from your tax-deductible contribution to FREE. $50 or $100, or even $250 or more if you can afford it, is urgently needed to help fund the effort to turn our government and our nation around before it is too late. Please go to the FREE donation page now to contribute: http://www.free-nefl.com/html/contribute.html

Leadership is sorely lacking in Washington following the Democrats’ recent victory. It is time for true leaders like us to step forward and offer the vision needed to point Congress and our nation in the right direction and to halt the assault on our nation’s sovereignty.

This is a dangerous time. But it is also an historic opportunity. Please help today with your most generous, tax-deductible gift for freedom. We must act swiftly to counter the ongoing-attempt to socialize our nation and trample upon our freedom. The time is NOW and the need is urgent!!!

I’m counting on you.

In Liberty,
Ron Paul

Ron Paul : Obama Preparing for Perpetual War!

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Fox Business 12/2/09
Ron Paul : Obama Preparing for Perpetual War!

Happy Birthday Young Americans For Liberty!

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

December 2, 2009

Dear Subscriber,

One year ago today Ron Paul endorsed Young Americans for Liberty and launched the youth R3volution.

Today is truly a cause for celebration!

For the first time, a youth movement dedicated to the ideals of freedom, peace, and prosperity thrives in America. And our growth has only begun.

Founded with Campaign for Liberty’s support, a network of Ron Paul youth, and a vision to educate and train the next generation of Constitutionalists, YAL is here to stay!

Please join me today by wishing the thousands of dedicated YAL members and chapters a very Happy 1st Birthday and give a gift of $25, $50, or $100.

Your investment celebrates YAL’s first-year successes and supports a generation of youth activists committed to the Constitution.

I’m extraordinarily grateful for the thousands of YAL members, chapters, and donors who believe in our mission and support our daily efforts. Thank you for a blessed first year.

As Ron Paul stated one year ago today, The importance of YAL to the future of liberty cannot be overstated.

Here’s to victory in 2010!

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

END THE FED Rally Videos

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Hey folks,
Thanks for your patience with the videos from the rally. I finally got everything uploaded to our youtube channel (www.youtube.com/truth215freedom). If you’ve ever had the pleasure of making a video, chopping it up, and uploading it to youtube, while you’re in the middle of moving and setting up your new house, you can appreciate the time that was put into these videos. That said, please rate, comment, and share them with the world, I’d appreciate the help! Thanks again everyone, see you all on 12/11/09 for the holiday party!!!

Love and Liberty,
Mike Salvi

End the Fed March

Mark Passio at the Fed

Jake Towne at the Fed

Rob Pepe at the Fed

Pat Sellers at the Fed

Jake Towne inside (3 videos)

Dr James G Allen inside (2 videos)

Larken Rose inside (2 videos)

William Kern inside (2 videos)

Jacob Hornberger inside (2 videos)

If you’d like to be more involved in helping out with events/outreaches/action items/ideas, please RSVP to our open organizer meeting this Saturday (you don’t need to be an organizer, this is open to all members, new and old) Open Organizer Planning Meeting

This message was sent by Mike Salvi (salvi@libertysolutions.ws) from TRUTH, FREEDOM, PROSPERITY.

Michael Salvi

Ron Paul on the House floor 12/01/09

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Ron Paul on the House floor 12/01/09:
“This belief is a dream that will become a nightmare for all Americans!”

Run Ron, Run!