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Huffington Post: Ron Paul and the Love Revolution of 2012

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

It is often said that a convert to a cause is more fervent than those born to it. That is probably true about me and my “conversion” as an immigrant to this great country.

In that spirit of passionate desire for my adoptive land to become everything it was meant to be, may I humbly suggest, America, that Ron Paul is Your Man.

Just a few years ago, I was excited to follow Obama’s success in the hope that he would undo the worst of the un-American shenanigans of the Bush administration, including the abrogation of rights of American citizens, the killing of citizens of lands that don’t threaten us and the wholesale transfer of wealth from those that create it and play by the rules to those that do neither of those two things.

Perhaps I was a little caught up in the excitement, but my intentions were good.
