Posts Tagged ‘Presidential Election’
Do Not Wish the Next Presidency on Your Friend
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012To all those posting about the presidential election, I offer, “Besides… don’t you get it… pity the president who inherits the fiscal cliff. He will feel the pain.”

Do You Plan to Vote Next Week?
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012Dear Citizen,
For more than a year we’ve been talking to you about the impact of the upcoming election. Now we want to hear from you.
Will you help determine the course our country takes after November 6?
The elections, now less than a week away, will impact whether small businesses and job creators have the certainty they need to invest, hire and grow our economy, or if they continue to be sidelined by regulations, tax uncertainty, and mandated decisions made by the government about their business.
As the U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue said, “If we get the business people and those who support and believe in American enterprise and economic freedom out to vote, we’re going to be better off no matter what.”
Do you plan to vote in the November 6th Elections?
America’s job creators need your help getting out the vote in the last days of the election.
We’ll see you at the polls.
Rob Engstrom
Senior Vice President and National Political Director
U.S. Chamber of Commerce