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PSEHELP announces... is getting ready to run a free promotion for our friends...

We are putting together a tape that features the artists at the Rombox...

... and will be giving it away to "prize winners" in an upcoming promotion, as well as sending it to internet music enthusiasts.

So far, we have songs by:

Dog's Tooth Violet
Richard Ace
Snake Handling Immortal Tongue Speakers
Carl Gardner
Gray Matters
Catching Flies

Anyone interested in being removed or added should contact us asap.

PSEHELP says...

Graphics guru's we call to you:

We need images of "Pandora's RomBox" for use in the web pages and as a tape/cd cover.

Gif's and jpeg's are good for shipping, but original bmp's or tiff's should be kept until we are ready for print.

HELP asks...

Are you interested in joining us?

HELP informs...

The basis of the rombox sampler for:

Ytrap Vol. II
(Drastically Fantastic Butt Bootin' Metal)

is available for band members to check out... color, titles, pictures, sounds, etc to come.

p.s. Thanx to the grafix folks who have offered to assist.

CAPN talks to Willie...

I was picturing ( in my head while listening to some reggae...

and I envisioned that you would continue to accelerate toward the star at the end, as it then becomes our solar system. and then...

you continue to zoom by the sun, to the third rock, as you then zoom around to the dark side of the earth and into the castle through the fog that Grafix ( will be working on.

Think it can be done??

And the lucky man says...

I'm really intrigued by what you guys have got goin' on. I've only skimmed through everything, but the screenplay sounds amazing. I haven't listened to the soundtracks yet, they are still downloading. But I must say this whole project gets me really excited. I am a film major specializing in cinematography, direction, and production. and I have to tell you that you guys are on the edge, because this is where multimedia is going. The tools at our disposal through technology have yet to be pushed to their limits in this direction. To try and make a long message short, I would love to get involved with your project, and who knows what the future may hold. I hope you reply soon as I am eager to talk with you all and learn more about you guys as artists/performers. But do please reply as I really want to help in whatever vision you have for this project.



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