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Business management services  MILESTONES IN THE FIRM'S DEVELOPMENT

Please contact us for more information about how our services can help your business.

1985 -

1987 - The Firm opened its office at 801 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA

1994 - The Firm received the Minority Enterprise Development Week Professional Service Award from the City of Philadelphia

1995 - The Firm received the U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration's "1995 Outstanding Minority Business Enterprise Award."

1996 - The Firm purchased its current offices at 103-107 North 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA

1997 - The Firm completed its second consecutive Peer Review with no weaknesses reported - a standard of quality achieved by only a few of the CPA Firms nationally.

1998 - The Firm received the U.S. Small Business Administration Region III Minority Small Business Person of the Year Award.

1999 - The Firm reorganized to form admitting two new members.

Business Support Resources

minority owned business Federal Transit Administration - Security Perception Study

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