
Video Info.

Soundtrack Downloads


It's A Trag_e_d (stereo) .wav 12.0M

It's A Trag_e_d (mono) .wav 6.0M

Thunder .wav 44k
Thunder .wav 1.3M

All music and lyrics are written and recorded on-the-spot.


D, da, de, da, d, da, de, d,
D, da, de, da, d, da, de, dy,
D, da, de, da, d, da, de, d,

It's a trag, e, dy.

The hurt and the pain,
The total disdain,
D, da, de, da, d, da, de, d,
It's a trag, e, dy.

It's a trag, e, dy.

The hurt and the pain,
The total disdain,
Argh... the strain....

D, da, de, da, d, da, de, da,
It's a trag, e, dy.

It's a trag, e, dy...
A tragedy.

About The Soundtrack

How tragic can a life be? My body lives today, yet could be gone tomorrow. And if I wasn't through, with what I need to do, that would be a tragedy. Unless... I make certain: that what I do today will never go away.

The Thunder .wav (44k) is a recording of a thunder clap made the day my first daughter, Jessica, was born and died.

The song Trag_e_d was composed and recorded spontaneously the day my brother-in-law committed suicide.

Just Say "NO" to Tragedy
Unless... I make certain: that what I do today will never go away.


  1. Prologue
    1. Requiem: a musical composition in honor of the dead.
    2. This Requiem is a musical composition composed by Snake Handling Immortal Tongue Speakers (average humans that allow their bodies to be conduits). The energy of our time flows between what has been and what is yet to come. These Experiments take place in various, everyday surroundings... such as, an attic, basement, or yard... by everyday people, such as, you and me. A collection of the events that have transpired (and are yet to transpire) is being presented as: Requiem for the Living Dead.
    3. The elements of the composition:
  2. Introduction
    Once upon a time, in a land very near, there lived a man, Moore Izon. He was a farmer. And though his crop was tainted in the eyes of We The People, Moore "never did no one no harm". One day We The People decided to persecute Moore. Why? I don't know, cause no one bothered to ask.
  3. Chapter I: Yore Killin' Me (The Time of Moore)
  4. Chapter II: Moore's Final Days
    1. The King of Police
    2. I'm Heading Toward the Bottom of a Bottomless Pit

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