I'm headin' toward the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Don't know when I'm gonna hit ... HIT!

Could it be my finish?
Could it be my end?

Fallin' toward the center of the Earth.
Could be I'm headed for a new birth?

Headin' toward the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Am I mizzin' sumpthang?
Or, is this it?

Headin' toward the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Am I mizzin' sumpthang?
Or, is this it?

falling to the bottom (@ 32 feet per/second per/second)
Headin' toward the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Am I mizzin' sumpthang?
Or, is this it?

Lookin' for sumpthan in the shadows of the night.
Lookin' for sumpthin to rid me of this fright.

Headin' toward the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Am I mizzin' sumpthang?
Or, is this it?

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