Web Server Statistics for StatZone at Membrane

Program started at Thu-11-Oct-2001 18:50.
Analysed requests from Mon-02-Oct-2000 14:56 to Wed-29-Nov-2000 10:59 (57.8 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 29-Nov-2000 23:59).
Successful requests: 347,788 (33,248)
Average successful requests per day: 6,013 (4,749)
Logfile lines without status code: 396,812 (0)
Successful requests for pages: 245,540 (22,416)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 4,245 (3,202)
Failed requests: 4,711 (411)
Redirected requests: 42,483 (2,387)
Distinct files requested: 1,354 (651)
Distinct hosts served: 104,544 (12,668)
Corrupt logfile lines: 22
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,840
Data transferred: 16,307 Mbytes (2,068 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 288,730 kbytes (302,574 kbytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Each unit (+) represents 5,000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month:  #reqs:  pages: Mbytes: 
--------: ------: ------: ------: 
Oct 2000: 184102: 134215:   8088: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Nov 2000: 163686: 111325:   8220: +++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Oct 2000 (134,215 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Each unit (+) represents 200 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs: pages: kbytes: 
---------: -----: -----: ------: 
19/Oct/00:  6109:  4279: 359958: ++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Oct/00:  6106:  4100: 354284: +++++++++++++++++++++
21/Oct/00:  4456:  3111: 259365: ++++++++++++++++

22/Oct/00:  5347:  3613: 398219: +++++++++++++++++++
23/Oct/00:  6597:  4426: 390274: +++++++++++++++++++++++
24/Oct/00:  6328:  4454: 254283: +++++++++++++++++++++++
25/Oct/00:  5556:  3977: 146173: ++++++++++++++++++++
26/Oct/00:  6057:  4211: 283570: ++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Oct/00:  5656:  3964: 317969: ++++++++++++++++++++
28/Oct/00:  4651:  3351: 205771: +++++++++++++++++

29/Oct/00:  4241:  2959: 285013: +++++++++++++++
30/Oct/00:  6330:  4505: 261775: +++++++++++++++++++++++
31/Oct/00:  5906:  4303: 252494: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1/Nov/00:  6025:  4374: 251434: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2/Nov/00:  5919:  4102: 245404: +++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Nov/00:  6049:  4285: 242871: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 4/Nov/00:  5175:  3556: 150566: ++++++++++++++++++

 5/Nov/00:  5784:  3685: 278119: +++++++++++++++++++
 6/Nov/00:  6351:  4449: 231843: +++++++++++++++++++++++
 7/Nov/00:  6669:  4334: 208638: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Nov/00:  8773:  5947: 400968: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9/Nov/00:  6553:  4557: 410330: +++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Nov/00:  5829:  3849: 313555: ++++++++++++++++++++
11/Nov/00:  5116:  3338: 292472: +++++++++++++++++

12/Nov/00:  4925:  3369: 186728: +++++++++++++++++
13/Nov/00:  6324:  4277: 333464: ++++++++++++++++++++++
14/Nov/00:  6359:  4348: 319789: ++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Nov/00:  6039:  4169: 323819: +++++++++++++++++++++
16/Nov/00:  6272:  4223: 344605: ++++++++++++++++++++++
17/Nov/00:  5528:  3972: 321148: ++++++++++++++++++++
18/Nov/00:  4750:  3183: 262800: ++++++++++++++++

19/Nov/00:  4778:  3146: 245114: ++++++++++++++++
20/Nov/00:  6235:  4297: 346568: ++++++++++++++++++++++
21/Nov/00:  5692:  3862: 364674: ++++++++++++++++++++
22/Nov/00:  5293:  3587: 223984: ++++++++++++++++++
23/Nov/00:  4448:  3103: 260434: ++++++++++++++++
24/Nov/00:  5237:  3498: 271915: ++++++++++++++++++
25/Nov/00:  4372:  3020: 280398: ++++++++++++++++

26/Nov/00:  4441:  2873: 225352: +++++++++++++++
27/Nov/00:  6307:  4259: 291209: ++++++++++++++++++++++
28/Nov/00:  6440:  4229: 618628: ++++++++++++++++++++++
29/Nov/00:  2003:  1434: 170082: ++++++++
Busiest day: 14/Oct/00 (18,504 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Each unit (+) represents 1,500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: #reqs: pages: Mbytes: 
---: -----: -----: ------: 
Sun: 43485: 30416:   2089: +++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 53622: 36827:   2492: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 55430: 38371:   2923: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 49657: 34891:   2074: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 47452: 33020:   2393: +++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 45089: 30862:   2289: +++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 53053: 41153:   2048: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs: pages: kbytes: 
--: -----: -----: ------: 
 0: 10026:  6994: 623760: ++++++++++++++++++
 1: 12032:  9404: 702671: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 14445:  9624: 563818: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3: 13504: 10741: 578732: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4:  9333:  7658: 395021: ++++++++++++++++++++
 5:  9677:  7778: 745401: ++++++++++++++++++++
 6:  7818:  5726: 556262: +++++++++++++++
 7:  8999:  6593: 507836: +++++++++++++++++
 8: 12028:  8450: 753872: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 14812: 10275: 637702: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 16552: 11763: 778994: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 17782: 12183: 872668: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 18569: 13047: 655629: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 19160: 13374: 757880: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 19770: 13572: 951499: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 19774: 13640: 918449: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 20346: 13813: 929109: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 17561: 12280: 786044: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 15894: 10987: 774758: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 15244: 10351: 640354: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 14338:  9882: 674878: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 14609:  9905: 638035: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 13459:  9319: 545756: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 12056:  8181: 709745: +++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs:  %reqs:  pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------
347788:   100%: 245540:   100%:  16307:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs:  %reqs:  pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: directory
------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ---------
 25031:  7.20%:   2505:  1.02%:   9163: 56.19%: /cdrom1/
286906: 82.49%: 217110: 88.42%:   4710: 28.88%: /OAS/
  2047:  0.59%:     17:  0.01%:   1120:  6.87%: /cdrom2/
  1968:  0.57%:    922:  0.38%:    498:  3.05%: /cdrom3/
  1222:  0.35%:    373:  0.15%:    495:  3.04%: /cdrom4/
   311:  0.09%:     84:  0.03%:    148:  0.91%: /movies/
 21926:  6.30%:  21924:  8.93%:     74:  0.45%: [root directory]
  1303:  0.37%:      4:       :     30:  0.18%: /sight/
   105:  0.03%:     29:  0.01%:     24:  0.15%: /folk/
    35:  0.01%:      0:       :     18:  0.11%: /avi/
   475:  0.14%:     29:  0.01%:      7:  0.04%: /ra/
  1756:  0.50%:    490:  0.20%:      7:  0.04%: /RealMedia/
  1890:  0.54%:   1890:  0.77%:      5:  0.03%: /enterhtml/
    87:  0.03%:     62:  0.03%:      3:  0.02%: http://
   191:  0.05%:     30:  0.01%:      3:  0.02%: /rm/
  2535:  0.73%:     71:  0.03%:      2:  0.01%: [not listed: 3 directories]

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 #reqs:  %reqs: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: extension
------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ---------
 10328:  2.97%:       :   8922: 54.71%: .avi  [AVI movies]
184223: 52.97%: 75.03%:   2748: 16.85%: [directories]
 11790:  3.39%:       :   1932: 11.85%: .wav  [WAV sound files]
 59163: 17.01%: 24.10%:    990:  6.07%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
 50630: 14.56%:       :    895:  5.49%: .html@Top
   591:  0.17%:       :    324:  1.99%: .mov
  9503:  2.73%:       :    165:  1.01%: [no extension]
 12589:  3.62%:       :    101:  0.62%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
  2154:  0.62%:  0.88%:     91:  0.56%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
   265:  0.08%:       :     62:  0.38%: .rm
   213:  0.06%:       :     42:  0.26%: .au
  2367:  0.68%:       :     23:  0.14%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
  3972:  1.14%:       :     13:  0.08%: [not listed: 16 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

       size:  #reqs:  %reqs:  pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: 
-----------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: 
          0:   7222:  2.08%:    410:  0.17%:      0:       : 
   1b-  10b:     79:  0.02%:     23:  0.01%:      0:       : 
  11b- 100b:   2545:  0.73%:    132:  0.05%:      0:       : 
 101b-  1kb:  16169:  4.65%:   2022:  0.82%:      5:  0.03%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 137010: 39.39%: 109484: 44.59%:    678:  4.16%: 
 10kb-100kb: 174035: 50.04%: 129030: 52.55%:   3920: 24.04%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   8398:  2.41%:   4439:  1.81%:   1551:  9.51%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:   2123:  0.61%:      0:       :   7129: 43.72%: 
 10Mb-100Mb:    207:  0.06%:      0:       :   3024: 18.55%: 

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 #reqs:  %reqs: status code
------: ------: -----------
344017: 87.10%: 200 OK
  2937:  0.74%: 206 Partial content
   312:  0.08%: 301 Document moved permanently
 42171: 10.68%: 302 Document found elsewhere
   834:  0.21%: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    19:       : 401 Authentication required
    13:       : 403 Access forbidden
  4300:  1.09%: 404 Document not found
   202:  0.05%: 405 Method not allowed
   177:  0.04%: 408 Request timeout

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ------: ------: ------: ---------------: ----
36905: 10.61%: 15.03%:    727:  4.46%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/
21924:  6.30%:  8.93%:     74:  0.45%: 29/Nov/00 10:03: /
20884:  6.00%:  8.51%:    417:  2.56%: 29/Nov/00 10:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/ygraine.membrane.com/multimedia/dawall.html
20503:  5.90%:       :    236:  1.45%: 29/Nov/00 10:53: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/allrealestate.com/homes/index.html@Top
18597:  5.35%:  7.57%:    150:  0.92%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/~doc/parallax/ygraine/
13322:  3.83%:  5.43%:    219:  1.34%: 29/Nov/00 10:59: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/video/
12601:  3.62%:  5.13%:    244:  1.49%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/dan/
11330:  3.26%:       :    285:  1.75%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/index.html@Top
11133:  3.20%:  4.53%:    144:  0.88%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/buylow.com/
10062:  2.89%:  4.10%:    237:  1.46%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/ygraine.membrane.com/
 8365:  2.41%:  3.41%:    116:  0.71%: 29/Nov/00 10:43: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/
 8066:  2.32%:       :    186:  1.14%: 29/Nov/00 10:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/rombox/download.html@Top
 7923:  2.28%:       :      2:  0.01%: 29/Nov/00 10:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/video/sound.wav
 5618:  1.62%:  2.29%:     80:  0.49%: 29/Nov/00 10:57: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/yzark.com/
 5291:  1.52%:       :     84:  0.51%: 29/Nov/00 10:51: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/buylow.com/index.html@Top
 5290:  1.52%:  2.15%:    105:  0.64%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/rombox/
 5144:  1.48%:  2.09%:     52:  0.32%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/allrealestate.com/
 4555:  1.31%:  1.86%:     28:  0.17%: 29/Nov/00 10:54: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/sold.html
 4229:  1.22%:  1.72%:     82:  0.50%: 29/Nov/00 10:48: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/motors/
 4185:  1.20%:       :     84:  0.51%: 29/Nov/00 10:23: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/ygraine.membrane.com/multimedia/mp3
 3925:  1.13%:  1.60%:    104:  0.64%: 29/Nov/00 10:03: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/labyrinth/
 3537:  1.02%:  1.44%:     49:  0.30%: 29/Nov/00 10:59: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/chestnuthill/
 3347:  0.96%:  1.36%:     20:  0.12%: 29/Nov/00 10:25: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/realestate/4sale.html
 3047:  0.88%:  1.24%:     59:  0.36%: 29/Nov/00 10:18: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/~elmer/
 2817:  0.81%:  1.15%:     59:  0.36%: 29/Nov/00 10:03: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/chaos/paradox.html
 2801:  0.81%:       :     37:  0.23%: 29/Nov/00 10:40: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/philflix
 2658:  0.76%:       :     49:  0.30%: 29/Nov/00 10:47: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/news/classified/index.html@Top
 2464:  0.71%:  1.00%:     52:  0.32%: 29/Nov/00 10:50: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/rrguide.html
 2386:  0.69%:  0.97%:     33:  0.20%: 29/Nov/00 10:49: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/mainline/
 2311:  0.66%:  0.94%:     46:  0.28%: 29/Nov/00 10:38: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/cdrom10/
 1943:  0.56%:  0.79%:     28:  0.17%: 29/Nov/00 10:51: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/shopping.html
 1818:  0.52%:  0.74%:     37:  0.23%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/renegade/
 1722:  0.50%:  0.70%:     33:  0.20%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/realalliance.com/change/
 1692:  0.49%:  0.69%:     34:  0.21%: 29/Nov/00 10:16: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/noize.html
 1637:  0.47%:       :     36:  0.22%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/library/sirfbrd.html@Top
 1611:  0.46%:  0.66%:     36:  0.22%: 29/Nov/00 10:56: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/library/sirfbrd.html
 1407:  0.40%:  0.57%:     16:  0.10%: 29/Nov/00 08:41: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/frost/
 1352:  0.39%:  0.55%:     27:  0.16%: 29/Nov/00 10:21: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/cdrom9/
 1328:  0.38%:  0.54%:     63:  0.39%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/sidd.htm
 1241:  0.36%:       :   1672: 10.25%: 29/Nov/00 05:14: /cdrom1/bottmpg4.avi
 1169:  0.34%:       :      0:       : 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/movie.gif
 1152:  0.33%:  0.47%:     24:  0.15%: 29/Nov/00 08:21: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/cypher.html
 1126:  0.32%:  0.46%:     16:  0.10%: 29/Nov/00 08:21: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/cypher.html
 1126:  0.32%:  0.46%:     21:  0.13%: 29/Nov/00 10:39: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/realestate/newhomes.html
 1121:  0.32%:       :      1:  0.01%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/panic.gif
 1117:  0.32%:       :     14:  0.08%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/residd.gif
 1080:  0.31%:  0.44%:     26:  0.16%: 29/Nov/00 10:47: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/adv.html
 1076:  0.31%:  0.44%:     20:  0.13%: 29/Nov/00 09:39: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/science.html
 1048:  0.30%:  0.43%:     15:  0.09%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/glenside/
 1047:  0.30%:  0.43%:     22:  0.14%: 29/Nov/00 10:50: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/menu.html
  971:  0.28%:       :      1:  0.01%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/warning.gif
  952:  0.27%:       :     28:  0.17%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/earanim.gif
  951:  0.27%:       :      2:  0.01%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/winky.gif
  939:  0.27%:       :     21:  0.13%: 29/Nov/00 10:58: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/wow
  928:  0.27%:       :      5:  0.03%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/xa_25bil.gif
  900:  0.26%:  0.37%:      3:  0.02%: 29/Nov/00 09:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/synapse/realestate/comm.html
  896:  0.26%:       :     17:  0.11%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/king.gif
  877:  0.25%:       :      9:  0.05%: 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/dist_me.jpg
  846:  0.24%:  0.34%:     11:  0.07%: 29/Nov/00 10:55: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/menu.html
  843:  0.24%:       :      0:       : 29/Nov/00 10:44: /cdrom1/text.gif
  816:  0.23%:  0.33%:      8:  0.05%: 29/Nov/00 10:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/buylow.com/mortgage/
  735:  0.21%:       :   1212:  7.43%: 29/Nov/00 09:06: /cdrom1/parampg4.avi
  679:  0.20%:  0.28%:      9:  0.06%: 29/Nov/00 08:51: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/lake/
  673:  0.19%:  0.27%:     13:  0.08%: 29/Nov/00 10:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/ygraine.membrane.com/multimedia/time.html
  666:  0.19%:  0.27%:      9:  0.06%: 29/Nov/00 08:28: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/philflix/
  654:  0.19%:  0.27%:     11:  0.07%: 29/Nov/00 10:48: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/philanet.com/mcc/
  623:  0.18%:       :     11:  0.07%: 29/Nov/00 09:50: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/music/pop.html@Top
  617:  0.18%:  0.25%:     12:  0.07%: 29/Nov/00 09:50: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/music/pop.html
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   20:  0.01%:  0.01%:      0:       : 23/Nov/00 13:56: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/renegade/winter96/
   20:  0.01%:       :      0:       : 26/Nov/00 16:43: /RealMedia/ads/Graphics/Campaigns/ListCamp.GIF
   20:  0.01%:       :      0:       : 26/Nov/00 16:43: /RealMedia/ads/OpenAd/Graphics/HomePage/HP_rmlogo_b.GIF
   20:  0.01%:       :      0:       : 26/Nov/00 16:43: /RealMedia/ads/Graphics/icon2.gif
   20:  0.01%:       :      0:       : 31/Oct/00 07:52: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/~doc/parallax/ygraine
 3892:  1.12%:  0.52%:    801:  4.91%: 29/Nov/00 10:33: [not listed: 541 files]

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing the first 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

#reqs: file
-----: ----
 1382: /robots.txt
  125: /rombox/scream.wav
   90: /cdrom1/yoda160.avi
   74: /rombox/scrmon16.wav
   73: /cdrom1/2x2x160.avi
   70: /cdrom1/sidd.htm
   52: /cgi-bin/thanx6
   51: /OAS/lancelot/adstream.cgi/membrane.com/video/sound.wav
   47: /rombox/spon8mo.wav
   44: /rombox/scream.au
   38: /rombox/spon.au
   36: /searchgwcc0.phtml
   34: /rombox/ridemono.wav
   33: /rombox/screamin.wav
   32: /cdrom1/2x.jpg
   31: /rombox/screamon.wav
   30: /cdrom1/bottmpg4.avi
   29: /rombox/aspen.mov
   29: /rombox/waiting.wav
   28: /rombox/waiting.au
   26: /cdrom1/hithit.wav
   26: /favicon.ico
   25: /rombox/black.wav
   23: /cdrom1/crosssht.avi
   22: /rombox/black.au
   22: /rombox/ski.avi
   21: /OAS/lancelot/try-
   18: /cdrom1/parampg4.avi
   18: /search.phtml
   17: /cdrom3/flies/porch.wav
 1988: [not listed: 848 files]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages:  bytes: %bytes: URL
-----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: ---
13787:  4.42%:     0:       :      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/searchgwcc0.php3
 4394:  1.41%:     0:       :      0:       :   http://ygraine.membrane.com/searchgwcc0.php3?Results
 3071:  0.99%:     0:       :      0:       :   http://ygraine.membrane.com/searchgwcc0.php3?Method
  901:  0.29%:     0:       :      0:       :   http://ygraine.membrane.com/searchgwcc0.php3?More
11799:  3.79%: 11799:  5.32%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/video/mpeg/
 8799:  2.82%:     9:       :      0:       : http://lancelot.membrane.com/cdrom1/sidd.htm
 8632:  2.77%:  8631:  3.89%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/video/
 7735:  2.48%:     0:       :      0:       : http://rombox.com/
 5938:  1.91%:  5938:  2.68%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/disttest.html
 5637:  1.81%:  5637:  2.54%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/mpeg4.html
 5286:  1.70%:     0:       :      0:       : http://philanet.com/
 3962:  1.27%:  3962:  1.79%:      0:       : http://www.dodgecar.com/
 3827:  1.23%:  3827:  1.73%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/dan/friends.html
 3659:  1.17%:  3658:  1.65%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/
 3138:  1.01%:  3138:  1.42%:      0:       : http://allrealestate.com/
 3125:  1.00%:  3125:  1.41%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/realestate/4sale.html
 3113:  1.00%:  1049:  0.47%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/news/classified/index.html
 2881:  0.92%:  2694:  1.21%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/chaos/paradox.html
 2859:  0.92%:     0:       :      0:       : http://www.rombox.com/
 2829:  0.91%:  2829:  1.28%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/sold.html
 2785:  0.89%:  2785:  1.26%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/labyrinth/
 2760:  0.89%:  2760:  1.24%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/dan/ace.html
 2668:  0.86%:  2668:  1.20%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/dan/jurassic.html
 2564:  0.82%:  2564:  1.16%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/video/index.html
 2533:  0.81%:  2533:  1.14%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/index.html
 2518:  0.81%:  2518:  1.14%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/dan/simpsons.html
 2433:  0.78%:  1190:  0.54%:      0:       : http://www.buylow.com/
 2395:  0.77%:  2393:  1.08%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/~elmer/rail/
 2162:  0.69%:  1072:  0.48%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/library/pkunzip.html
 2161:  0.69%:  2161:  0.97%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/cypher.html
 2050:  0.66%:  2050:  0.92%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/realestate/rental.html
 2046:  0.66%:  2042:  0.92%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/nude/
 2039:  0.65%:  2039:  0.92%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rrguide.html
 1936:  0.62%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/doi.html
 1926:  0.62%:  1926:  0.87%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/motors/
 1916:  0.61%:  1916:  0.86%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Miscellaneous/dawall.html
 1726:  0.55%:  1725:  0.78%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/
 1713:  0.55%:   580:  0.26%:      0:       : http://www.yourmall.com/
 1561:  0.50%:  1560:  0.70%:      0:       : http://yzark.com/
 1548:  0.50%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/index.html
 1545:  0.50%:  1544:  0.70%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/noize.html
 1527:  0.49%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/
 1496:  0.48%:   954:  0.43%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/wow/
 1488:  0.48%:  1488:  0.67%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/index.html
 1464:  0.47%:  1464:  0.66%:      0:       : http://montgomerynewspapers.com/
 1360:  0.44%:  1359:  0.61%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/
 1329:  0.43%:  1329:  0.60%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/page1.html
 1310:  0.42%:  1310:  0.59%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/video/mpeg/
 1271:  0.41%:     1:       :      0:       : http://www.urbanassault.com/
 1253:  0.40%:     0:       :      0:       : http://philanet.com/index.html
 1234:  0.40%:    22:  0.01%:      0:       :
 1229:  0.39%:  1229:  0.55%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/~dan/ad.html
 1140:  0.37%:  1140:  0.51%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/ppp/
 1122:  0.36%:   564:  0.25%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/music/pop.html
 1106:  0.35%:  1106:  0.50%:      0:       : http://www.kingarthur.com/records/
 1058:  0.34%:  1058:  0.48%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Dark/numb.html
 1039:  0.33%:  1039:  0.47%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/chestnuthill/visitor.html
 1029:  0.33%:  1029:  0.46%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/chestnuthill/index.html
 1005:  0.32%:  1005:  0.45%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/realestate/newhomes.html
 1002:  0.32%:  1002:  0.45%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/crossfire/download.html
  993:  0.32%:   993:  0.45%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/
  954:  0.31%:   954:  0.43%:      0:       : http://www.frostfamily.com/
  912:  0.29%:   912:  0.41%:      0:       : http://yzark.com/enterhtml/live/Time/disttest.html
  911:  0.29%:   890:  0.40%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/cdrom9/index.html
  856:  0.27%:   856:  0.39%:      0:       : http://yzark.com/enterhtml/live/
  849:  0.27%:   849:  0.38%:      0:       : http://familyshopping.com/
  835:  0.27%:   835:  0.38%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/nude/
  834:  0.27%:   765:  0.34%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/cdrom10/index.html
  831:  0.27%:   402:  0.18%:      0:       : http://buylow.com/
  830:  0.27%:   830:  0.37%:      0:       : http://yeeha.org/enterhtml/live/Lite/EJCBCOED.html
  826:  0.27%:   826:  0.37%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Lite/voices.html
  818:  0.26%:   818:  0.37%:      0:       :
  811:  0.26%:   811:  0.37%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/menu.html
  799:  0.26%:   748:  0.34%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/cdrom10/
  793:  0.25%:   792:  0.36%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/science.html
  791:  0.25%:   791:  0.36%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/ex2/
  784:  0.25%:   784:  0.35%:      0:       : http://www.rombox.com/oz/dryice.html
  783:  0.25%:   783:  0.35%:      0:       : http://www.metroworld.com/
  780:  0.25%:   780:  0.35%:      0:       : http://www.bohler.com/
  779:  0.25%:   779:  0.35%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/realestate/comm.html
  772:  0.25%:   772:  0.35%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/renaissance/
  771:  0.25%:   746:  0.34%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/cdrom9/
  770:  0.25%:     0:       :      0:       : http://rombox.com/index.html
  732:  0.23%:   732:  0.33%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/labyrinth/index.html
  700:  0.22%:   699:  0.32%:      0:       : http://www.chargeit.com/
  695:  0.22%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/new.html
  671:  0.22%:   226:  0.10%:      0:       : http://montgomerynewspapers.com/classified/
  654:  0.21%:     0:       :      0:       :
  650:  0.21%:   650:  0.29%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Dark/Charles_Manson.html
  642:  0.21%:   642:  0.29%:      0:       : http://www.yzark.com/enterhtml/live/Time/disttest.html
  632:  0.20%:   632:  0.29%:      0:       : http://www.widgette.com/1999/T.html
  622:  0.20%:   622:  0.28%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/video/mpeg/index.html
  612:  0.20%:   612:  0.28%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/mpeg4.html
  609:  0.20%:   609:  0.27%:      0:       : http://www.cthru.com/
  608:  0.20%:     2:       :      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/philflix/baltimore_inner_harbor.html
  604:  0.19%:   604:  0.27%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/index.html
  603:  0.19%:   603:  0.27%:      0:       : http://widgette.com/
  603:  0.19%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/philanet/index.html
  602:  0.19%:   602:  0.27%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/vortintr.html
  597:  0.19%:   367:  0.17%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/wow/index.html
  591:  0.19%:   591:  0.27%:      0:       : http://www.rombox.com/bambi/bambilafleur.html
  591:  0.19%:   591:  0.27%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/philflix/appalachian_trail.html
  575:  0.18%:    12:  0.01%:      0:       : http://lancelot.membrane.com/cdrom1/
   41:  0.01%:     1:       :      0:       :   http://lancelot.membrane.com/cdrom1/?M=A
   20:  0.01%:     0:       :      0:       :   http://lancelot.membrane.com/cdrom1/?M=D
  569:  0.18%:   569:  0.26%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/shits/
  545:  0.17%:     9:       :      0:       : http://lancelot.membrane.com/cdrom1/mind.htm
  540:  0.17%:     2:       :      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/philflix/national_aquarium.html
  537:  0.17%:   537:  0.24%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/vortex.html
  536:  0.17%:   536:  0.24%:      0:       :
  528:  0.17%:   528:  0.24%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/menu.html
  527:  0.17%:   527:  0.24%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/video/
  520:  0.17%:   520:  0.23%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/live.html
  515:  0.17%:     0:       :      0:       : http://www.philanet.com/
  514:  0.16%:   514:  0.23%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/index.html
  509:  0.16%:   509:  0.23%:      0:       : http://realalliance.com/mpeg4.html
  496:  0.16%:   496:  0.22%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/springfield/members.html
  489:  0.16%:   487:  0.22%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/change/smoke_on.html
  488:  0.16%:   488:  0.22%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/philflix/fort_washington.html
  487:  0.16%:   487:  0.22%:      0:       : http://www.titlecompany.com/rombox/nude/breathe.html
  485:  0.16%:   485:  0.22%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/places.html
  483:  0.15%:   483:  0.22%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Kidz/OFAIEPED.html
  480:  0.15%:   480:  0.22%:      0:       : http://www.allrealestate.com/
  470:  0.15%:   470:  0.21%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/glenside/index.html
  467:  0.15%:   228:  0.10%:      0:       : http://internetu.org/pkunzip.html
  462:  0.15%:    54:  0.02%:      0:       :
  181:  0.06%:    12:  0.01%:      0:       :
   78:  0.03%:    15:  0.01%:      0:       :
   43:  0.01%:     3:       :      0:       :
   30:  0.01%:     2:       :      0:       :
   25:  0.01%:     1:       :      0:       :
   21:  0.01%:     7:       :      0:       :
   19:  0.01%:     2:       :      0:       :
   18:  0.01%:     1:       :      0:       :
   14:       :     0:       :      0:       :
   14:       :     5:       :      0:       :
  458:  0.15%:   123:  0.06%:      0:       :
  452:  0.15%:   452:  0.20%:      0:       : http://www.montgomerynewspapers.com/
  443:  0.14%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/video/tunes/pit.html
  439:  0.14%:   147:  0.07%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/news/classified/
  437:  0.14%:     0:       :      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/rombox/
  436:  0.14%:   436:  0.20%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/motors/index.html
  436:  0.14%:   436:  0.20%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/~elmer/rail/
  430:  0.14%:   430:  0.19%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Communications/rosysidd.html
  428:  0.14%:   428:  0.19%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/ping.html
  425:  0.14%:   425:  0.19%:      0:       : http://bohler.com/video/mpeg/
  424:  0.14%:   424:  0.19%:      0:       : http://www.yzark.com/enterhtml/live/Miscellaneous/dawall.html
  424:  0.14%:   424:  0.19%:      0:       :
  422:  0.14%:   212:  0.10%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop2.html
  419:  0.13%:   101:  0.05%:      0:       : http://lancelot.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Miscellaneous/dawall.html
  415:  0.13%:     0:       :      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/mpg4/philadelphia/
  414:  0.13%:   398:  0.18%:      0:       :
  401:  0.13%:   401:  0.18%:      0:       : http://www.crossfire.net/
  398:  0.13%:   398:  0.18%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/labyrinth/passages.html
  382:  0.12%:   125:  0.06%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/xmas/hear.html
  378:  0.12%:   191:  0.09%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop3.html
  378:  0.12%:   190:  0.09%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop4.html
  378:  0.12%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/shore_maps.html
  370:  0.12%:     2:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/fort_washington_maps.html
  369:  0.12%:   368:  0.17%:      0:       : http://glisteningflicks.com/
  369:  0.12%:   369:  0.17%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/
  367:  0.12%:   367:  0.17%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/banquets/index.html
  367:  0.12%:   367:  0.17%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/news/art/index.html
  360:  0.12%:   360:  0.16%:      0:       : http://kingarthur.com/records/
  350:  0.11%:   321:  0.14%:      0:       :
  344:  0.11%:   172:  0.08%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop7.html
  343:  0.11%:   343:  0.15%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Dark/index.html
  343:  0.11%:   343:  0.15%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/nude/index.html
  342:  0.11%:   340:  0.15%:      0:       : http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query
   29:  0.01%:    29:  0.01%:      0:       :   http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=pkzip.exe&kl=XX&pg=q&Translate=on
  334:  0.11%:   334:  0.15%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/synapse/home.html
  333:  0.11%:   333:  0.15%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/news/
  329:  0.11%:     0:       :      0:       : http://www.yzark.com/change/info.html
  327:  0.10%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/philanet/
  326:  0.10%:   110:  0.05%:      0:       : http://yourmall.com/
  324:  0.10%:   324:  0.15%:      0:       : http://parsifal.membrane.com/chaospit/index.html
  322:  0.10%:   322:  0.15%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/glenside/
  320:  0.10%:   320:  0.14%:      0:       : http://internetu.org/
  318:  0.10%:   318:  0.14%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/philflix/cape_may.html
  318:  0.10%:   318:  0.14%:      0:       : http://realalliance.com/video/
  315:  0.10%:   315:  0.14%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Time/brick.html
  312:  0.10%:   312:  0.14%:      0:       : http://eeeee.org/
  312:  0.10%:     0:       :      0:       : http://membrane.com/ua/
  312:  0.10%:   157:  0.07%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop8.html
  309:  0.10%:   309:  0.14%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/universal/cd.html
  309:  0.10%:   153:  0.07%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop5.html
  303:  0.10%:   303:  0.14%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/enterhtml/live/Kidz/northpole.html
  303:  0.10%:   303:  0.14%:      0:       : http://www.montnews.com/
  303:  0.10%:   303:  0.14%:      0:       : http://widgette.com/1999/YHOO.html
  299:  0.10%:     1:       :      0:       :
  297:  0.10%:   297:  0.13%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/ace/rastafar.html
  296:  0.09%:   296:  0.13%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/rombox/vol7/2109.html
  296:  0.09%:   296:  0.13%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/synapse/sold.html
  293:  0.09%:   293:  0.13%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/banquets/
  293:  0.09%:   293:  0.13%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/motors/
  289:  0.09%:   145:  0.07%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/pop6.html
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   23:  0.01%:     0:       :      0:       : http://www.titlecompany.com/rombox/
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   23:  0.01%:    23:  0.01%:      0:       : http://www.yzark.com/enterhtml/live/
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   21:  0.01%:     0:       :      0:       :
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   20:  0.01%:    20:  0.01%:      0:       : http://mordred.membrane.com/video/
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   20:  0.01%:    20:  0.01%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/~zcar/94saab.html
24102:  7.73%: 14361:  6.48%:      0:       : [not listed: 6,418 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report)

Listing the first 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 #reqs:  %reqs:  pages: %pages:  bytes: %bytes: site
------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ------: ----
121465: 38.97%: 107753: 48.59%:      0:       : http://membrane.com/
 49447: 15.87%:  26149: 11.79%:      0:       : http://ygraine.membrane.com/
 19609:  6.29%:  10055:  4.53%:      0:       : http://philanet.com/
 15584:  5.00%:   5730:  2.58%:      0:       : http://rombox.com/
 13223:  4.24%:    903:  0.41%:      0:       : http://lancelot.membrane.com/
 10688:  3.43%:   9495:  4.28%:      0:       : http://www.membrane.com/
  6125:  1.97%:   5344:  2.41%:      0:       :
  5715:  1.83%:    774:  0.35%:      0:       :
  5456:  1.75%:   2284:  1.03%:      0:       : http://www.rombox.com/
  4662:  1.50%:   3696:  1.67%:      0:       : http://www.yzark.com/
  4431:  1.42%:   4239:  1.91%:      0:       : http://yzark.com/
  3963:  1.27%:   3963:  1.79%:      0:       : http://www.dodgecar.com/
  3526:  1.13%:   3491:  1.57%:      0:       : http://allrealestate.com/
  2453:  0.79%:   1201:  0.54%:      0:       : http://www.buylow.com/
  2318:  0.74%:   1658:  0.75%:      0:       : http://yeeha.org/
  2179:  0.70%:   1691:  0.76%:      0:       : http://montgomerynewspapers.com/
  2163:  0.69%:   1948:  0.88%:      0:       : http://widgette.com/
  1839:  0.59%:   1770:  0.80%:      0:       : http://www.widgette.com/
  1721:  0.55%:    587:  0.26%:      0:       : http://www.yourmall.com/
  1559:  0.50%:   1534:  0.69%:      0:       : http://realalliance.com/
  1457:  0.47%:   1305:  0.59%:      0:       : http://bohler.com/
  1444:  0.46%:    770:  0.35%:      0:       : http://www.philanet.com/
  1441:  0.46%:   1434:  0.65%:      0:       : http://www.kingarthur.com/
  1349:  0.43%:   1237:  0.56%:      0:       : http://www.titlecompany.com/
  1298:  0.42%:   1296:  0.58%:      0:       : http://www.crossfire.net/
  1292:  0.41%:      1:       :      0:       : http://www.urbanassault.com/
  1263:  0.41%:   1140:  0.51%:      0:       : http://chargeit.com/
  1203:  0.39%:   1023:  0.46%:      0:       : http://www.yeeha.org/
  1131:  0.36%:    784:  0.35%:      0:       : http://internetu.org/
  1104:  0.35%:    882:  0.40%:      0:       : http://www.realalliance.com/
 20561:  6.60%:  17603:  7.94%:      0:       : [not listed: 380 sites]

This analysis was produced by analog3.11/Unix.
Running time: 1 minute, 23 seconds.

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