aWebVisit - Most Internal

(from 19/Mar/2000:20:53:59 to 04/Jun/2000:15:36:27)
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The following 100 links are the most frequently followed internal links on your website. They account for 75.7 % of all link hits of this type, and represent 41.0 % of all links of this type.

From Page To Page
309 46 244 123 29 - Number of Links  
4.2 5.8 2.6 2.2 4.7 - Average Hits per Link  
1311 266 643 266 136 100.0 Total Hit Count  
61 - 27 32 2 4.2 /buy.html /listings/
27 - 20 5 2 3.1 /listings/ /listings/602.html
29 - 18 11 - 2.8 /listings/ /listings/4eplaza.html
22 - 17 5 - 2.6 /listings/ /listings/512spruce.html
14 - 13 1 - 2.0 /listings/602.html /listings/21cbarclay.html
19 - 12 7 - 1.9 /orinfo.html /orinfo2.html
17 - 12 5 - 1.9 /listings/ /listings/1706de.html
13 1 11 1 - 1.7 /listings/ /listings/
12 - 10 2 - 1.6 /buy.html /sell.html
20 7 10 - 3 1.6 / /
10 - 9 1 - 1.4 /listings/ritplace.html /listings/16abarclay.html
10 - 9 1 - 1.4 /orinfo.html /orinfo.html
10 1 8 1 - 1.2 /sell.html /listings/
22 3 8 11 - 1.2 /listings/ /buy.html
11 - 8 3 - 1.2 /listings/ /listings/21cbarclay.html
11 - 8 3 - 1.2 /listings/ /listings/32cwanamaker.html
8 1 7 - - 1.1 /listings/index.html /listings/index.html
7 - 7 - - 1.1 /orinfo2.html /orinfo2.html
9 - 7 2 - 1.1 /listings/602.html /listings/602.html
8 - 6 2 - 0.9 /listings/512spruce.html /orinfo.html
9 - 6 3 - 0.9 /buy.html /index.html
15 1 6 8 - 0.9 /listings/ /services.html
8 - 6 2 - 0.9 /listings/21cbarclay.html /listings/ritplace.html
6 - 6 - - 0.9 /listings/ /listings/4bplaza.html
8 - 6 2 - 0.9 /listings/ /listings/ritplace.html
7 - 6 1 - 0.9 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/1706de.html
6 - 5 1 - 0.8 /listings/6aplaza.html /listings/512spruce.html
223 138 5 1 79 0.8 / /listings/
6 - 5 1 - 0.8 /listings/602.html /listings/
6 - 5 1 - 0.8 /orinfo.html /listings/602.html
10 - 5 5 - 0.8 /listings/ /index.html
7 - 5 1 1 0.8 /buy.html /buy.html
9 2 5 1 1 0.8 /index.html /listings/
7 2 5 - - 0.8 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/32cwanamaker.html
5 - 4 1 - 0.6 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/6aplaza.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /services.html /buy.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /listings/1706de.html /orinfo.html
5 - 4 1 - 0.6 /listings/4bplaza.html /listings/32cwanamaker.html
5 - 4 1 - 0.6 /listings/index.html /listings/21cbarclay.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /listings/4eplaza.html /listings/32cwanamaker.html
5 - 4 1 - 0.6 /orinfo.html /index.html
5 - 4 1 - 0.6 /listings/ /sell.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /listings/index.html /listings/16abarclay.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/index.html
5 1 4 - - 0.6 /listings/602.html /orinfo.html
9 - 4 5 - 0.6 /sell.html /buy.html
4 - 4 - - 0.6 /listings/21cbarclay.html /listings/index.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /orinfo.html /buy.html
7 - 3 4 - 0.5 /listings/1706de.html /listings/4eplaza.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /listings/21cbarclay.html /orinfo.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/1628pi.html /listings/4bplaza.html
5 - 3 2 - 0.5 /listings/4bplaza.html /listings/4eplaza.html
7 1 3 3 - 0.5 /listings/4eplaza.html /orinfo.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /listings/ /listings/16abarclay.html
6 - 3 3 - 0.5 /listings/ /orinfo.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /sell.html /index.html
74 64 3 - 7 0.5 / /buy.html
7 1 3 2 1 0.5 /services.html /orinfo.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/512spruce.html /buy.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /listings/512spruce.html /listings/32cwanamaker.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/4eplaza.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /buy.html /services.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/4bplaza.html /listings/512spruce.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /buy.html /orinfo.html
4 - 3 1 - 0.5 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/4bplaza.html
5 - 3 2 - 0.5 /listings/602.html /listings/index.html
6 - 3 3 - 0.5 /listings/ /listings/1628pi.html
4 1 3 - - 0.5 /orinfo2.html /orinfo.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/ritplace.html
5 - 3 1 1 0.5 /buy.html /listings/602.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /orinfo.html /listings/4eplaza.html
3 - 3 - - 0.5 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/602.html
5 1 3 1 - 0.5 /listings/512spruce.html /listings/4bplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/1628pi.html /listings/1706de.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /index.html /services.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/index.html /listings/4bplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /sell.html /sell.html
4 - 2 2 - 0.3 /listings/4eplaza.html /listings/602.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/512spruce.html /listings/1628pi.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/21cbarclay.html /listings/4eplaza.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /orinfo.html /listings/1706de.html
4 2 2 - - 0.3 /listings /listings/
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/ /listings/6aplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/16abarclay.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/4eplaza.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/32cwanamaker.html /listings/index.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/32cwanamaker.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/4bplaza.html /listings/index.html
4 1 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/21cbarclay.html /listings/16abarclay.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/512spruce.html /listings/6aplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/602.html /listings/16abarclay.html
3 - 2 - 1 0.3 /listings/16abarclay.html /listings/602.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/4bplaza.html /orinfo.html
4 - 2 1 1 0.3 /listings/6aplaza.html /listings/4eplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/602.html /listings/6aplaza.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /listings/ritplace.html /listings/
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /index.html /listings/602.html
2 - 2 - - 0.3 /orinfo2.html /listings/index.html
5 - 2 3 - 0.3 /listings/4eplaza.html /listings/512spruce.html
3 - 2 1 - 0.3 /listings/512spruce.html /listings/index.html
986 228 487 172 99 75.7 Current Hit Count  
1311 266 643 266 136 100.0 Total Hit Count  

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Created with aWebVisit 0.1.6 on Mon Jun 5 18:51:19 2000