The longest visit to this website (in total time spent) was made by host on 17/May/2000:21:51:04. It lasts for 00:24:18 and includes 23 page hits, with an average of 63.4 seconds per step.
Unusual status codes are marked in bold. As a reminder, here is their meaning : Status Description 200 Okay 206 Partial Content 304 Not modified 404 Not Found Requests Step Time Status Page 0001 21:51:04 200 /prod13.htm 0002 21:52:09 200 /products.htm 0003 21:52:44 200 /prod14.htm 0004 21:56:16 200 /prod15.htm 0005 21:57:52 200 /prod16.htm 0006 22:01:23 200 /prod20.htm 0007 22:01:45 200 /prod21.htm 0008 22:02:25 200 /prod17.htm 0009 22:03:39 200 /prod18.htm 0010 22:04:56 200 /prod09.htm 0011 22:05:31 200 /prod10.htm 0012 22:06:13 200 /prod11.htm 0013 22:06:25 200 /prod12.htm 0014 22:06:39 200 /prod07.htm 0015 22:07:25 200 /prod08.htm 0016 22:07:45 200 /prod05.htm 0017 22:07:54 200 /prod04.htm 0018 22:08:03 200 /prod06.htm 0019 22:08:14 200 /prod02.htm 0020 22:09:43 200 /prod03.htm 0021 22:10:14 200 /prod01.htm 0022 22:12:56 200 /index.htm 0023 22:14:02 200 /contents.htm 0024 22:15:22 200 /