aWebVisit - Configuration

(from 07/May/2000:09:46:55 to 04/Jun/2000:11:08:33)
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Current configuration of aWebVisit

Option Description Variable Value
1. Global Settings    
1.a. Output directory for the reports $outdir '.'
1.b. Name of the output files
$name 'awebvisit'
1.c. Visit timeout in seconds $timeout 450
2. Layout Definition    
2.a. Background color $bgcolor #FFEEDD
2.b. Highlight color $highcolor #CCFFCC
2.c. Number of pages per table $toppages 20
2.d. Number of links per table $toplinks 100
3. Logfile Analysis    
3.a. Exclusion pattern for 'images' $exclude_url '\.(gif|jpg)$'
3.b. Exclusion/inclusion pattern for hosts $exclude_host
3.c. Exclusion pattern for visits (e.g. robots) $exclude_visit '^\/robots.txt$'
3.d. Remove this pattern from each URL $remove_from_url '\?.*$'
3.e. Replace these patterns in each URL %replace_url  
4. Data Export    
4.a. Save data to this file $csvfile
4.b. Save statistics to this file $statfile awebvisit.stat
4.c. Use this delimiter for the files $delim
'	'
5. Web Map Configuration    
5.a. Location of the fly program $flyprog '/usr/local/bin/fly'
5.b. URL of the aWebVisit-Map CGI $cgiprog ''
5.c. Number of entry pages per web map $topentries 7
5.d. Number of transit pages per web map $toptransits 12
5.e. Number of exit pages per web map $topexits 7

You can change the configuration directly in the aWebVisit script...

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Created with aWebVisit 0.1.6 on Mon Jun 5 23:18:58 2000