Web Server Statistics for StatZone at Membrane

Program started at Mon-17-May-1999 12:07.
Analysed requests from Fri-05-Mar-1999 15:34 to Sun-16-May-1999 14:56 (72.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 17-May-1999 23:59).
Successful requests: 6,255 (86)
Average successful requests per day: 86 (12)
Successful requests for pages: 2,312 (43)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 32 (6)
Failed requests: 1,050 (1)
Redirected requests: 7 (5)
Distinct files requested: 447 (26)
Distinct hosts served: 273 (2)
Data transferred: 19,340 kbytes (257,077 bytes)
Average data transferred per day: 275,166 bytes (36,725 bytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Each unit (+) represents 150 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month: #reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: 
--------: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 
Mar 1999:  2828: 45.21%:  1778: 76.90%:   4394: 22.72%: ++++++++++++
Apr 1999:    73:  1.17%:     0:       :    232:  1.20%: 
May 1999:  3354: 53.62%:   534: 23.10%:  14715: 76.08%: ++++
Busiest month: Mar 1999 (1,778 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: 
---------: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 
 5/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 6/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 7/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 8/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 9/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
10/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 

11/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
12/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
13/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
14/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
15/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
16/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
17/Apr/99:    16:  0.26%:     0:       :     42:  0.21%: 

18/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
19/Apr/99:    39:  0.62%:     0:       :    138:  0.71%: 
20/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
21/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
22/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
23/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
24/Apr/99:    18:  0.29%:     0:       :     53:  0.27%: 

25/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
26/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
27/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
28/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
29/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
30/Apr/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 1/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 

 2/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 3/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 4/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 5/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 6/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 7/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
 8/May/99:    23:  0.37%:     7:  0.30%:    400:  2.07%: +

 9/May/99:  1590: 25.42%:   237: 10.25%:   6719: 34.74%: ++++++++++++
10/May/99:  1655: 26.46%:   247: 10.68%:   7345: 37.98%: +++++++++++++
11/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
12/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
13/May/99:    31:  0.50%:    25:  1.08%:     63:  0.33%: ++
14/May/99:    26:  0.42%:    18:  0.78%:    103:  0.53%: +
15/May/99:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 

16/May/99:    29:  0.46%:     0:       :     85:  0.44%: 
Busiest day: 5/Mar/99 (1,778 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Each unit (+) represents 150 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: #reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: 
---: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 
Sun:  1620: 25.90%:   237: 10.25%:   6804: 35.18%: ++
Mon:  1695: 27.10%:   247: 10.68%:   7483: 38.69%: ++
Tue:     0:       :     0:       :      0:       : 
Wed:    94:  1.50%:     0:       :    293:  1.51%: 
Thu:    31:  0.50%:    25:  1.08%:     63:  0.33%: +
Fri:  2758: 44.09%:  1796: 77.68%:   4203: 21.73%: ++++++++++++
Sat:    57:  0.91%:     7:  0.30%:    494:  2.55%: +

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Each unit (+) represents 50 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: 
--: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 
 0:    34:  0.54%:     6:  0.26%:    128:  0.66%: +
 1:   129:  2.06%:    18:  0.78%:    526:  2.72%: +
 2:    54:  0.86%:     3:  0.13%:    207:  1.07%: +
 3:    13:  0.21%:     4:  0.17%:     65:  0.34%: +
 4:    39:  0.62%:     7:  0.30%:    219:  1.13%: +
 5:    38:  0.61%:     6:  0.26%:    149:  0.77%: +
 6:    88:  1.41%:     9:  0.39%:    374:  1.93%: +
 7:    75:  1.20%:     9:  0.39%:    261:  1.35%: +
 8:   369:  5.90%:    54:  2.34%:   1821:  9.42%: ++
 9:   165:  2.64%:    38:  1.64%:    905:  4.68%: +
10:    60:  0.96%:     9:  0.39%:    281:  1.45%: +
11:   227:  3.63%:    24:  1.04%:    834:  4.31%: +
12:   183:  2.93%:    28:  1.21%:    808:  4.18%: +
13:   312:  4.99%:    47:  2.03%:   1070:  5.53%: +
14:   172:  2.75%:    24:  1.04%:    735:  3.80%: +
15:   411:  6.57%:   164:  7.09%:   1988: 10.28%: ++++
16:  1272: 20.34%:   653: 28.24%:   1806:  9.34%: ++++++++++++++
17:   691: 11.05%:   323: 13.97%:   1143:  5.91%: +++++++
18:   406:  6.49%:   251: 10.86%:   1110:  5.74%: ++++++
19:   480:  7.67%:   219:  9.47%:   1496:  7.74%: +++++
20:   354:  5.66%:   265: 11.46%:    553:  2.86%: ++++++
21:   259:  4.14%:   107:  4.63%:   1005:  5.19%: +++
22:   233:  3.73%:    21:  0.91%:   1007:  5.21%: +
23:   191:  3.05%:    23:  0.99%:    850:  4.40%: +

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: ------
 4091: 65.40%:  1972: 85.29%:   9413: 48.67%: .com (Commercial)
  832: 13.30%:   136:  5.88%:   3943: 20.39%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  879: 14.05%:   138:  5.97%:   3922: 20.28%: .net (Network)
  281:  4.49%:    26:  1.12%:   1119:  5.79%: .edu (USA Educational)
   52:  0.83%:     7:  0.30%:    215:  1.11%: .jp (Japan)
    9:  0.14%:     2:  0.09%:    158:  0.82%: .mil (USA Military)
   28:  0.45%:     2:  0.09%:    111:  0.57%: .cl (Chile)
   14:  0.22%:     5:  0.22%:     87:  0.45%: .us (United States)
    9:  0.14%:     3:  0.13%:     65:  0.34%: .ca (Canada)
    9:  0.14%:     3:  0.13%:     64:  0.33%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
    9:  0.14%:     3:  0.13%:     64:  0.33%: .be (Belgium)
   16:  0.26%:     2:  0.09%:     63:  0.33%: .nz (New Zealand)
   10:  0.16%:     3:  0.13%:     51:  0.26%: .au (Australia)
    7:  0.11%:     3:  0.13%:     50:  0.26%: .uk (United Kingdom)
    3:  0.05%:     1:  0.04%:     15:  0.08%: .se (Sweden)
    6:  0.10%:     6:  0.26%:      0:       : [domain not given]

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: host
-----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: ----
  586:  9.37%:    93:  4.02%:   2887: 14.93%:
  153:  2.45%:     7:  0.30%:    489:  2.53%: guinevere.membrane.com
  184:  2.94%:     9:  0.39%:    418:  2.16%: isolde.membrane.com
 2744: 43.87%:  1781: 77.03%:   4177: 21.59%: pellinore.membrane.com
 2588: 41.37%:   422: 18.25%:  11370: 58.79%: [not listed: 269 hosts]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: ---------
 2338: 37.38%:     4:  0.17%:   9769: 50.51%: /images/
 2961: 47.34%:  1958: 84.69%:   5731: 29.63%: [root directory]
  317:  5.07%:     0:       :   1479:  7.65%: /specials/
  211:  3.37%:   211:  9.13%:    765:  3.96%: /closeout/
  212:  3.39%:     0:       :    660:  3.41%: /RealMedia/
   11:  0.18%:     0:       :    603:  3.12%: /sight/
   96:  1.53%:    96:  4.15%:    163:  0.84%: /showroom/
   53:  0.85%:    42:  1.82%:    159:  0.82%: /security/
   32:  0.51%:     0:       :      7:  0.03%: /icons/
    1:  0.02%:     1:  0.04%:      3:  0.02%: /enterhtml/
   23:  0.37%:     0:       :      2:  0.01%: [not listed: 2 directories]

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs:  %reqs: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ------: ------: ------: ---------
 2094: 33.48%:       :  11754: 60.77%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
 1634: 26.12%:       :   4943: 25.56%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
 2107: 33.69%: 91.13%:   1017:  5.26%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
  205:  3.28%:  8.87%:    986:  5.10%: [directories]
  171:  2.73%:       :    549:  2.84%: .cgi
   21:  0.34%:       :     90:  0.47%: .class [Java class files]
   23:  0.37%:       :      2:  0.01%: [not listed: 2 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

       size: #reqs:  %reqs: pages: %pages: kbytes: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 
          0:   941: 15.04%:     1:  0.04%:      0:       : 
   1b-  10b:     3:  0.05%:     0:       :      0:       : 
  11b- 100b:  1792: 28.65%:  1778: 76.90%:    130:  0.67%: 
 101b-  1kb:   256:  4.09%:    37:  1.60%:    180:  0.93%: 
  1kb- 10kb:  2630: 42.05%:   485: 20.98%:   7259: 37.53%: 
 10kb-100kb:   632: 10.10%:    11:  0.48%:  11647: 60.22%: 
100kb-  1Mb:     1:  0.02%:     0:       :    124:  0.64%: 

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqs:  %reqs: status code
-----: ------: -----------
 5292: 72.37%: 200 OK
   23:  0.31%: 206 Partial content
    7:  0.10%: 301 Document moved permanently
  940: 12.86%: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
 1050: 14.36%: 404 Document not found

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: %pages: kbytes: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ------: ------: ------: ---------------: ----
 1778: 28.43%: 76.90%:    129:  0.67%:  5/Mar/99 21:18: /Doc1.html
  334:  5.34%:       :     24:  0.13%:  5/Mar/99 16:54: /ADLEAOGDEBGLKAAA.gif
  208:  3.33%:       :     23:  0.12%:  5/Mar/99 18:04: /BCGFAOGDIAFPBAAA.gif
  188:  3.01%:       :   3575: 18.49%: 10/May/99 15:50: /images/wws-online1.gif
  186:  2.97%:       :   2073: 10.72%: 10/May/99 15:50: /images/wws-online-small.gif
  171:  2.73%:       :    549:  2.84%: 16/May/99 14:56: /RealMedia/ads/graph.cgi
  108:  1.73%:  4.67%:    618:  3.19%: 13/May/99 17:37: /
   89:  1.42%:       :     82:  0.42%: 10/May/99 15:37: /images/arrow-toc.gif
   78:  1.25%:       :    129:  0.67%: 10/May/99 14:32: /images/about.jpg
   75:  1.20%:       :    141:  0.73%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/buystuff.jpg
   74:  1.18%:       :    131:  0.68%: 10/May/99 14:32: /images/install.jpg
   74:  1.18%:       :    152:  0.79%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/events.jpg
   73:  1.17%:       :    124:  0.64%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/manufact.jpg
   72:  1.15%:       :    122:  0.63%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/contact.jpg
   71:  1.14%:       :    124:  0.64%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/direction.jpg
   70:  1.12%:       :     84:  0.44%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/homvid.jpg
   70:  1.12%:       :     87:  0.45%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/caralarm.jpg
   70:  1.12%:       :    135:  0.70%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/cellular.jpg
   70:  1.12%:       :    661:  3.42%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/ls_25.jpg
   69:  1.10%:       :    118:  0.61%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/homaud.jpg
   69:  1.10%:       :     86:  0.45%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/theater.jpg
   69:  1.10%:       :    184:  0.95%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/closebut.jpg
   68:  1.09%:       :     90:  0.46%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/carmulti.jpg
   67:  1.07%:       :    121:  0.63%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/isf.jpg
   67:  1.07%:       :    104:  0.54%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/caraud.jpg
   66:  1.06%:       :    113:  0.58%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/camcorder.jpg
   64:  1.02%:       :    176:  0.91%: 10/May/99 14:33: /images/membrane2.gif
   64:  1.02%:       :    248:  1.28%: 10/May/99 14:33: /specials/special.jpg
   64:  1.02%:       :    280:  1.45%: 10/May/99 14:33: /specials/dvl-919.jpg
   64:  1.02%:       :    400:  2.07%: 10/May/99 14:33: /specials/gr_dvl9000u.jpg
   63:  1.01%:  2.72%:    327:  1.69%: 10/May/99 15:34: /closeout/
   63:  1.01%:       :    278:  1.44%: 10/May/99 14:33: /specials/f3000.jpg
   62:  0.99%:       :    273:  1.41%: 10/May/99 14:33: /specials/vr-2080.jpg
   51:  0.82%:       :    215:  1.11%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/monster.gif
   49:  0.78%:       :     94:  0.49%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/kenwood.gif
   47:  0.75%:       :     99:  0.51%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/alpine.gif
   46:  0.74%:       :     70:  0.36%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/denon.gif
   46:  0.74%:       :     65:  0.34%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/motorola.gif
   46:  0.74%:       :     72:  0.37%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/adcom.gif
   46:  0.74%:       :     78:  0.40%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/sony.gif
   45:  0.72%:       :     26:  0.14%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/onkyo.gif
   45:  0.72%:       :     73:  0.38%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/runco.gif
   45:  0.72%:       :     36:  0.19%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/jvc.gif
   45:  0.72%:       :    100:  0.52%: 10/May/99 15:34: /images/logos/jlaudio.gif
   39:  0.62%:       :     24:  0.13%:  5/Mar/99 16:19: /HJJEAOGDEIHEAAAA.gif
   34:  0.54%:  1.47%:     62:  0.32%: 10/May/99 15:18: /showroom/car/audio.html
   27:  0.43%:  1.17%:     72:  0.37%: 10/May/99 15:09: /closeout/receivers.html
   25:  0.40%:       :     33:  0.17%:  5/Mar/99 17:08: /CEFFAOGDKJGENAAA.gif
   25:  0.40%:  1.08%:     47:  0.24%: 10/May/99 14:33: /showroom/home/audio.html
   21:  0.34%:       :      1:       : 13/May/99 17:37: /ra/anintro.ram
   21:  0.34%:  0.91%:     51:  0.26%: 10/May/99 14:33: /buy.html
   20:  0.32%:       :     24:  0.13%:  5/Mar/99 15:52: /HJDEAOGDOIPGLAAA.gif
  754: 12.05%: 11.07%:   6336: 32.76%: 16/May/99 14:50: [not listed: 257 files]

Redirection Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing files, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: file
-----: ------: ----
    5: 71.43%: /security
    2: 28.57%: /images

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

Listing the first 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: file
-----: ------: ----
  311: 29.62%: /JGNHAOGDLIBCAAAA.gif
   95:  9.05%: /BEFGAOGDCCDOKAAA.gif
   81:  7.71%: /images/indexbg.jpg
   78:  7.43%: /PEFHAOGDAGDHAAAA.gif
   42:  4.00%: /IEBHAOGDAHGBMAAA.gif
   31:  2.95%: /CGHEAOGDLFGCAAAA.gif
   26:  2.48%: /NGOGAOGDBAIGGAAA.gif
   25:  2.38%: /HGLGAOGDIHOFOAAA.gif
   19:  1.81%: /CBEFAOGDJHFKBAAA.gif
   19:  1.81%: /NIDFAOGDOBBOJAAA.gif
   18:  1.71%: /images/closeout.gif
   16:  1.52%: /CBDFAOGDIODAOAAA.gif
   16:  1.52%: /DDNGAOGDDMNBIAAA.gif
   13:  1.24%: /AKCFAOGDJKPCHAAA.gif
   10:  0.95%: /closeout/camcorders.html
    8:  0.76%: /showroom/home/audio.html
    7:  0.67%: /closeout/tv.html
    7:  0.67%: /closeout/
    7:  0.67%: /showroom/car/audio.html
    6:  0.57%: /OOCFAOGDICKONAAA.gif
    6:  0.57%: /closeout.html
    5:  0.48%: /BCGFAOGDIAFPBAAA.gif
    5:  0.48%: /CHEHAOGDIIFECAAA.gif
    5:  0.48%: /KJEGAOGDNDBEAAAA.gif
    5:  0.48%: /upcoming.html
    4:  0.38%: /MPDFAOGDKIFGAAAA.gif
    4:  0.38%: /icons/back.gif
    4:  0.38%: /AHDFAOGDMJNHFAAA.gif
    4:  0.38%: /BIAHAOGDOJBENAAA.gif
    4:  0.38%: /icons/blank.gif
  169: 16.10%: [not listed: 140 files]

This analysis was produced by analog3.11/Unix.
Running time: 3 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report)

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