Web Server Statistics for the Statistical Laboratory

Program started at Fri-16-Jan-1998 17:14 local time.
Analysed requests from Mon-01-Dec-1997 00:24 to Fri-16-Jan-1998 17:00 (46.7 days).

Total successful requests: 10 494 (1 687)
Average successful requests per day: 225 (241)
Total successful requests for pages: 6 300 (1 011)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 135 (144)
Total failed requests: 217 (36)
Total redirected requests: 23 (6)
Number of distinct files requested: 499 (281)
Number of distinct hosts served: 2 307 (458)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 412
Corrupt logfile lines: 11
Unwanted logfile entries: 22 087
Total data transferred: 219 863 kbytes (36 384 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 4 709 kbytes (5 198 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Each unit (+) represents 100 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month: pages: 
--------  -----  
Dec 1997:  3853: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jan 1998:  2447: +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Each unit (+) represents 25 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: pages: 
---  -----  
Sun:   586: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon:  1150: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue:  1016: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:  1293: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu:  1109: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:   846: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:   300: ++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Each unit (+) represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: pages: 
--  -----  
 0:   130: +++++++++++++
 1:    99: ++++++++++
 2:   136: ++++++++++++++
 3:   173: ++++++++++++++++++
 4:   162: +++++++++++++++++
 5:   124: +++++++++++++
 6:   122: +++++++++++++
 7:   137: ++++++++++++++
 8:   254: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9:   471: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:   422: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:   460: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:   358: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13:   437: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14:   462: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15:   387: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16:   411: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17:   322: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:   194: ++++++++++++++++++++
19:   218: ++++++++++++++++++++++
20:   184: +++++++++++++++++++
21:   213: ++++++++++++++++++++++
22:   186: +++++++++++++++++++
23:   238: ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
 3896: 29.40%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
 2378: 27.77%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 1771: 17.10%: .net (Network)
  268:  3.79%: .ca (Canada)
  286:  2.72%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  209:  1.95%: .edu (USA Educational)
  157:  1.78%: .us (United States)
   45:  1.67%: .se (Sweden)
  248:  1.58%: .mil (USA Military)
  140:  1.56%: .de (Germany)
  104:  1.46%: .au (Australia)
   73:  1.24%: .nl (Netherlands)
   90:  1.11%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  149:  0.80%: .gov (USA Government)
  160:  0.79%: .it (Italy)
   73:  0.52%: .th (Thailand)
   36:  0.50%: .za (South Africa)
   20:  0.41%: .pt (Portugal)
   14:  0.36%: .nz (New Zealand)
    7:  0.32%: .om (Oman)
   25:  0.27%: .be (Belgium)
    2:  0.26%: .int (International)
    6:  0.23%: .ch (Switzerland)
    5:  0.22%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
   11:  0.20%: .il (Israel)
   19:  0.19%: .in (India)
    5:  0.18%: .br (Brazil)
   67:  0.18%: .my (Malaysia)
    9:  0.15%: .dk (Denmark)
   40:  0.14%: .es (Spain)
   16:  0.13%: .ie (Ireland)
   40:  0.12%: .fr (France)
   14:  0.12%: .ru (Russian Federation)
    5:  0.12%: .id (Indonesia)
   16:  0.08%: .sg (Singapore)
    1:  0.07%: .gb (Great Britain)
   19:  0.05%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   21:  0.05%: .jp (Japan)
    1:  0.05%: .ge (Georgia)
    2:  0.05%: .bf (Burkina Faso)
    4:  0.05%: .pl (Poland)
    3:  0.04%: .fi (Finland)
    4:  0.04%: .no (Norway)
    3:  0.04%: .ar (Argentina)
    2:  0.03%: .lu (Luxembourg)
    2:  0.02%: .ve (Venezuela)
    2:  0.02%: .tw (Taiwan)
    2:  0.01%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    7:  0.01%: .mx (Mexico)
    2:  0.01%: .aw (Aruba)
    2:  0.01%: .hu (Hungary)
    1:  0.01%: .ph (Philippines)
    5:  0.01%: .at (Austria)
    1:       : .bg (Bulgaria)
    1:       : .cl (Chile)
    1:       : .su (Former USSR)
    2:       : .cr (Costa Rica)
    1:       : .ee (Estonia)
    1:       : .tr (Turkey)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Request Report: Error Report)

Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 1.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
 5838: 76.48%: /y2k/
 3210: 10.04%: [root directory]
   29:  6.82%: /cdrom7/
 1053:  3.06%: /zero/
   42:  1.82%: /cdrom8/
   58:  1.04%: /fractal/
    6:  0.38%: /cdrom5/
   89:  0.18%: /gazette/
   61:  0.11%: /convergence/
   30:  0.06%: /manual/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Error Report)

Printing all requested files with at least 20 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
 1229: 11.06%: /y2k/cinder.html
  323:  0.38%: /bar2.gif
  280:  0.24%: /
  257:  0.50%: /digiyoda.gif
  227:  0.30%: /mail1.gif
  217:  1.56%: /y2k/cssa.html
  212:  1.12%: /blue.gif
  205:  0.41%: /handgrab.gif
  188: 17.49%: /y2k/bysite.htm
  184: 16.62%: /y2k/bytitle.htm
  177:  0.15%: /bkgd1.jpg
  170:  0.18%: /y2k/w95.htm
  158:  0.06%: /y2k/
  123:  0.18%: /bar1.gif
  121:  2.44%: /ogive1.jpg
  120:  0.04%: /square.gif
  120:  0.21%: /newsbase.html
  117: 10.36%: /y2k/bytopic.htm
  116:  1.48%: /brain2.gif
  110:  0.05%: /y2k/test000.htm
  107:  0.20%: /world2.gif
  105:  0.09%: /y2k/nt4.htm
  100:  0.07%: /y2k/products.htm
   83:  0.09%: /nirvana.html
   83:  0.02%: /y2k/availidx.htm
   82:  0.71%: /bkgd3.gif
   79:  0.06%: /y2k/y2kmgr.txt
   77:  0.63%: /opsec1.jpg
   76:  0.27%: /y2k/test0003.htm
   72:  0.28%: /y2k/software.htm
   72:  0.05%: /y2k/types.txt
   68:  0.07%: /y2k/individ.txt
   62:  7.82%: /y2k/y2klink.txt
   61:  0.11%: /convergence/
   61:  0.14%: /zero/
   61:  0.03%: /y2k/test0000.htm
   60:  3.86%: /y2k/y2000o~1.htm
   58:  1.04%: /fractal/fractkwl.gif
   56:  0.03%: /y2k/qa0050.htm
   56:  0.13%: /y2k/qa0001.htm
   55:  0.14%: /zero/Xe_10mil.gif
   54:  0.12%: /zero/Xd_70mil.gif
   54:  0.14%: /zero/Xc_700mil.gif
   54:  0.14%: /zero/Xa_25bil.gif
   54:  0.13%: /zero/Xb_7bil.gif
   52:  0.15%: /zero/Xi_1600.gif
   52:  0.13%: /zero/Xf_50tho.gif
   52:  0.12%: /zero/Xg_35tho.gif
   52:  0.12%: /zero/Xh_5tho.gif
   51:  0.15%: /zero/Xk_400.gif
   51:  0.16%: /zero/Xj_750.gif
   50:  0.02%: /y2k/complia.htm
   50:  0.07%: /y2k/rptterm.htm
   48:  0.15%: /zero/Xm_60.gif
   48:  0.18%: /zero/Xo_17.gif
   48:  0.14%: /zero/Xl_100.gif
   47:  0.11%: /zero/Xn_40.gif
   46:  0.16%: /zero/Xp_10.gif
   45:  0.14%: /zero/Xq_7.gif
   44:  0.21%: /zero/Xr_6.gif
   44:  0.14%: /y2k/cind002.htm
   43:  0.22%: /zero/Xs_3.gif
   42:  0.12%: /zero/Xt_1now.gif
   41:  0.05%: /y2k/timeline.htm
   41:  0.04%: /y2k/win31.htm
   40:  0.03%: /y2k/dos620.htm
   38:  0.05%: /opteam.html
   38:  0.08%: /y2k/os2.htm
   38:  0.02%: /y2k/boycott.htm
   38:  0.07%: /domestic.html
   37:  0.13%: /y2k/minifaq.txt
   37:  0.06%: /y2k/cind015.htm
   36:  0.21%: /y2k/cind010.htm
   35:  0.03%: /opsec.html
   35:  0.03%: /y2k/dos32.htm
   33:  0.01%: /y2k/objclass.htm
   33:  0.04%: /y2k/index.htm
   32:  0.02%: /y2k/cind011.htm
   32:  0.35%: /y2k/cind004a.htm
   31:  0.03%: /y2k/cindwhy.htm
   31:  0.01%: /y2k/test0009.htm
   31:  0.06%: /headshed.html
   31:  0.03%: /y2k/test0002.htm
   29:  0.03%: /opserv.html
   28:  0.03%: /y2k/test0001.htm
   26:  0.09%: /y2k/10years.htm
   24:  0.03%: /y2k/cind001.htm
   23:  0.01%: /y2k/sld002.htm
   23:  0.15%: /brain1a.jpg
   23:  0.02%: /bkgd2.jpg
   22:  0.70%: /y2k/img001.gif
   21:  0.17%: /y2k/xbasepcp.txt
   21:  0.01%: /y2k/sld001.htm
   21:  0.17%: /y2k/img002.gif
   20:  0.06%: /y2k/test0004.htm
   20:  0.03%: /y2k/cind012.htm
   20:  0.06%: /y2k/cind014.htm

Error Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Printing all errors with at least 1 occurrence, sorted by number of occurrences.

#occs: error type
-----  ----------
  293: Lost connection to client
  217: File does not exist
   19: Send timed out

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 4 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report: Error Report)

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