"Geoff Wilbur's Renegade Newsletter

MP3 Radio Stations"

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MP3.com currently allows users to create MP3 stations of their favorite music.  Beginning with the November 2000 Industry Edition, Geoff Wilbur's Renegade Newsletter has begun creating an MP3 station for each specific industry edition, featuring one song for each band covered in each issue.  (Of course, this is limited to bands with songs available via MP3.com.)  When that coverage is a review or a small news item, the text of the review is included, too.  But don't take my word for it -- see (and hear) for yourself:

GWRN November 2000 Industry Edition: http://www.mp3.com/stations/gwrn1100

GWRN Winter 2000/01 Country Music Industry Edition: http://www.mp3.com/stations/gwrnwinter01country

Of course, before launching the stations for specific editions, we created a couple other MP3 stations in an effort to learn how it was done.  Please feel free to check out those stations, as well:

GWRN Classical Station (favorites of the publisher): http://www.mp3.com/stations/gwrnclassical

GWRN Indie Rock Station (bands covered in past issues): http://www.mp3.com/stations/gwrnindierock

We hope you enjoy them. We hope to make MP3 radio stations a regular feature for the industry editions, assuming MP3.com continues to allow its users to create stations.

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