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Office: Exton, PA
Office #: 610.363.1234
Voicemail #: 610.341.4812
Fax #: 610.363.5146

Susan Cannella has resided in Lionville for the past 29 years. She has been selling and listing real estate since 1978. Susan's specialty is new construction. Cannella is site manager for Chalfant St. Giles, in Wallace Township, Glenmoore. Chalfant St. Giles features luxury homes from the low $400,000's. Several home sites are lake front lots or views. Chalfant St. Giles is open 12-5 Saturday and Sunday. From Rt. 30 North on Rt. 100, left Little Connestoga, left and "t" 1st left onto Chalfant, left into Chalfant St. Giles.

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Over $500,000

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