logo Prudential Preferred Properties

Realtor, CBA
Office: Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Office #: 609.795.4444
Voice Mail #: 609.795.3337 ext. 2
Fax #: 609.429.7342
Pager #: 609.855.0227

Born in Ophiem, Montana, this bright eyed red-head has made commitment her middle name. You can count on her taking the time to understand your needs--and then, by putting her local expertise and marketing abilities to work--meeting those needs!

In today's complex real estate market, you need a real estate professional you can count on and Dottie has proven her ability to handle any situation that might arise during a real estate transaction. Through each step she never loses sight of the fact that real estate is not about dealing with property, but about helping people.

When you are presented the opportunity of buying or selling a home, you need someone ready to step up to the challenge--someone like--Dorothea "Dottie" Campbell.

"Finding the perfect home, achieving a successful sale--I love the challenge and I'm committed to meeting it head on."

Would you like personalized assistance from Dottie? Please provide the following information below:

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Desired location of real estate to be purchased

Location of real estate to be sold (if any)

Approximate value of real estate to be purchased:
Over $500,000

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