Developed by Barbara Brennan, this involves a four year training program.
Practitioners work with the energy system through laying on of hands
techniques which address spiritual, emotional, and physical issues. Through
an in-depth system of training these practitioners utilize channeled guidance
as well as counseling support to assist an individual's process of centering
and returning to the self, to assist individuals in their healing process.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
This technique works with the cerebrospinal fluid which is housed within the
cranium, spine and sacrum. The craniosacral rhythm circulated by hydraulic
movement can be balanced through the light touch of a therapist.
Polarity Therapy
This therapy is based on the premise that all nature is permeated by energy
fields and currents. The flow and balance of this energy in the body is
the basis of health. Varying degrees of touch release blocks and restore
Reiki Practitioners are initiated, training is passed down. Practitioners
transmit Universal Life Energy, which guides Chi, or life force, by a
light touch, or placing hands in specific positions gently on and around the
Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch involves laying on of hands, assessing and unblocking
energy, evoking relaxation and the client's healing potential, as guided
through the practitioner's intention.
It is a contemporary interpretation of many ancient healing practices, in
which practitioners consciously direct or sensitively modulate human energies to reduce
anxiety and stress, reduce pain, and ease problems associated with autonomic nervous
system dysfunction. Therapeutic Touch has currently been taught to more than
37,000 nurses, doctors, and health practitioners.