By Jan and Jarmilla Sobota

On the occasion of the year 2000, what better way to mark the Milennium? The Ten Commanments - the historic message which addresses everyone. J & J Sobota's Book Arts Studio has published The Ten Commandments in ten languages: Latin, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Slovak. (Unfortunately, the book could not be published in the original Hebrew,
due to the difficulty of obtaining a Hebrew font for the computer.)

The Ten Commandments is a miniature book, 3 x 2 inches, in the shape of a cross. The book is enclosed in a "medieval pouch," which monks used to wear at their waist. This is a limited edition of one hundred numbered and signed copies, published and bound by Jan and Jarmila Sobota at their studio in Loket, Czech Republic, in 1999. Each book is printed in gold on handmade paper and bound in various colors of goatskin, sheepskin or calfskin. The binding of each copy is done with a multi-colored onlay and finished with gold tooling, thereby making each copy unique. The elegant design resembles a jewel. Available are shades of brown, blue, beige, yellow, pink, violet, black, orange, yellow and red.

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Jan & Jarmila Sobota, Radnicni 1, 357 33 Loket, Czech Republic,
Tel/Fax: +420 168/ 684 154,

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