MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the dates of the Philadelphia Section, ASCE monthly meetings and social functions, as follows: (Check each upcoming edition of THE NEWS for additional details, possible date and topic changes.) THIS IS A TENTATIVE LIST. NOTE CHANGES AND ADDITIONS FROM PAST LISTS.

ALL DINNER MEETINGS (Except as noted)

Cocktails - 5:30 p.m. Dinner - 6:30 p.m. Meeting - 7:30 p.m.

STUDENTS: All dinner and/or luncheon charges one-half price. If you prefer, you are welcome to attend all meetings after dinner or luncheon, at no charge.

Wednesday, April 10, 1996 - Dinner Meeting. Joint Meeting with SAME. Harbor League Club. "DOD A/E Contracting" sponsored by S.A.M.E. University of Pennsylvania Night.

Friday, May 3, 1996 - Annual Spring Dinner Dance, Sugarloaf Conference Center (NOTE: Change in date from previously printed.)

Friday, May 17, 1996 - Golf Outing. Westover Country Club