Guidelines for Application to Form and AO North America Ad Hoc Committee


AO North America has chosen a flexible and issue-oriented approach for creation of "working-groups" for the study of specific regional or topical problems in musculoskeletal trauma. It is hoped that Ad Hoc Committees will focus significantly on clinical epidemiology and outcome studies. To ensure "focused productivity," such committees will exist only as long as the specific project requires, and periodic demonstration of interest and progress is expected.

Typically, such an Ad Hoc Committee would consist of 4-5 interested surgeons, usually chaired by the individual who initiated formation of the committee. AONA would fund project needs and necessary travel expenses for the committee, but electronic communications would be strongly encouraged to minimize travel expenses, and specific agendas are required for meetings. Any AONA member, or group of members, can apply to the Executive Committee to convene an Ad Hoc Committee, by completing the application form and submitting it to:

AO North America
Attn: Chairman, Executive Committee
RE: Ad Hoc Committee Request
P.O. Box 308
Devon, PA 19333-0308

The request for funding of an Ad Hoc Committee may be submitted at any time. It will be reviewed by the AONA Executive Committee, and forwarded to the Steering Committee for approval. It is anticipated that a decision on approval and budgeting for a proposed Ad Hoc Committee will be made within one month of application.

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