The Jack McDaniel Memorial AO Fellowship

This fellowship has been established by AO International and is administered by an AO North America Committee.

The fellowship will be awarded in the spring of each year at the AnnualNorth American Basic and Advanced AO/ASIF Course and can be activated anytimein the year thereafter.


The candidate must have completed all but the final year of trainingin his specialty at the time of activation of the fellowship, or must bewithin one year of completion of his formal training, or be within one yearof completion of a fellowship immediately following his formal training.

Application Procedure:

Applications can be obtained by writing the Chairman of the FellowshipCommittee*. Completed applications with supporting documents must be receivedby December 1st of each year. The decision will be announced at the annualspring North American Current Concepts and Advanced Courses.

An application will consist of 1) an AO International Fellowship application;2) a letter of reference from the applicant's Chief of Service; 3) a letterof reference from an appropriate sponsor who can also be the Chief of Service; 4) a curriculum vitae, a brief autobiography and a proposal for his fellowshipwhich will include: what he plans to do, for example, research, gain certainclinical skills, where he intends to work, with whom he will work, and how heplans to use his special training.

The Award:

The final award will be confirmed and given by the President of AO International. The award will consist of all travel expenses to the site of the Fellowship, and the usual current monthly AO Fellowship stipend for a period of no morethan three months (at present, 2,000 U.S. Dollars per month). At the annualNorth American Spring Basic & Advanced AO Course immediately after completionof the fellowship, the fellow will be invited to be a junior faculty memberand his travel expenses and lodging will be covered as for other faculty members.

Support for family members is not included.

The fellowship may take place at any AO Center in the USA or Europe.

*Chairman of the Fellowship Committee:

Timothy J. Bray, M.D.
Reno Orthopaedic Staff
555 N. Arlington Avenue
Reno, NV 89520