AO ASIF Advances in Fracture Management Course

The goal of this course is to update the more experienced orthopaedic, trauma, and general surgeons with the burning issues in modern fracture management.

The classical AO principles of stable internal fixation have and are undergoing considerable changes, at least in regard to diaphyseal fractures and operative approaches. Moreover, new techniques and implants are or will be available soon for even more comprehensive treatment modalities. The most recent ideas and achievements of the AO Group will be discussed.

Besides formal lectures that cover most of the standard topics of diaphyseal and articular fractures, much emphasis will be given to the important aspects of soft tissue care, minimally invasive techniques, intraoperative tricks and hints, as well as preoperative planning. Many of the practical exercises will be performed on foam-covered bone models, simulating the soft tissue envelope, making the workshops more realistic. There will be many opportunities for informal discussions and case presentations between the faculty and participants from all over the world.

Enrollment is open to Orthopaedic, General and Trauma Surgeons who have completed an AO ASIF Principles(previously titled Basic) Course and have a good basic knowledge and personal experience of operative fracture care.

Long Island Jewish Medical Center designates this CME activity for a maximum of 33 credit hours.


At the conclusion of this Course, the participant should be able to:

1. Understand the latest advances and controversies in the treatment of complex fractures, with an emphasis on the outcome of fracture cases;

2. Address the treatment of osteotomies, articular fractures, complex diaphyseal fractures, and fracture complications;

3. Effectively apply the complex techniques and treatments experienced
during the practical exercises.

The operative treatment of fractures and non-union; theoretical basis and practical principles.

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