Alta Design Associates, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineering
Relying on an experienced staff of geologists and geotechnical engineers, Alta Design Associates has the experience and qualifications to provide engineered solutions for your site.

Typical projects our engineers have completed include:

Our engineers possess professional engineering registration in the various states that we serve, including: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, New York, Vermont, Georgia, and Virginia.

Drawing on this expertise, Alta Design Associates is highly capable of providing a variety of engineering services related to the determination of the complex subsurface conditions.

Services offered by our staff include:

In addition to our engineering capabilities, our staff is experienced in litigation support of geotechnical issues. Therefore, if you are a contractor experiencing differing site conditions, or an owner defending a claim related to geotechnical issues, Alta Design Associates can help you to find an honest solution to your problems.

Are You Interested In Learning More?

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Square Footage
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Alta Design Associates, Inc.
Fort Washington, PA 19034 U.S.A.

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